Chapter Four

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Edited ✔️




Snowdrift's yowl rose above those of his clanmates as he chanted Streampaw's warrior name, his heart feeling as if it would burst from pride. His eyes enlightened on the figure of the she-cat, her gray fur groomed perfectly. Her head was angled towards the sun, tilted lightly in a comfortable resting position. Her paws were tightly pressed together, her tail wrapped neatly around them while her honey yellow eyes glowed in joy as her new name rang around her in the cheers of her clanmates. However, the only thing that disturbed the overflowing joy that rushed through Snowdrift was the clear scratch on Streamflower's shoulder, and no matter how much Snowdrift tried to ignore it, his attention, once more, was roused to the blood.

The voices of the clan trailed off as Pebblestar signaled with his tail, clearing his throat to continue on with the ceremony. "Mosspaw." He meowed, addressing Streamflower's brother. "You have trained hard and well under the guidance of Quietwish and Snowdrift, and earn the name of a warrior in turn." Pebblestar growled, his voice deep and powerful as he let his gaze sweep through the clearing. Mosspaw stepped forward, his gray and white pelt rippling uncertainly, however he firmly held Pebblestar's gaze. Pebblestar then rested his chin on Mosspaw's head, speaking loud and clear. "By the powers of StarClan, your new name will be Mosspounce. You have shown stealth and efficiency in your training, and have earned this name in honor of your skills."

Mosspaw, now Mosspounce, stretched his muzzle forward to give Pebblestar's shoulder a respectful lick. Instead, Pebblestar backed away before Mosspounce could get relevantly close, and the new warrior stumbled slightly. Pebblestar's claws unsheathed, glinting momentarily in the sunlight before he lashed out, harshly catching them in Mosspounce's shoulder. Blood glittered from a fresh wound as Pebblestar tore his claws away, bringing a clump of fur and flesh with his paw. He flung it to the ground, and dipped his head at Mosspounce. The gray and white tom hadn't even flinched.




Chants roused from the gathered clan as they yowled Mosspounce's name at their leader's permission. Snowdrift was silent for a few moments before joining in, shouting the tom's name in sync with his clanmates. The brief hesitation he had shown was small questioning in the reasons of Mosspounce's name, but he brushed them away almost as quickly as they had entered his mind. Stealth and efficiency is an interesting choice. He did show efficiency, however not enough stealth as would be moderately pleasing. Snowdrift shook out his pelt, ignoring the thought as the clan began to disperse.

Snowdrift noticed Mosspounce looking at him with a frown, and he returned the gaze with a raised eyebrow, before searching for Streamflower amongst the horde of cats congratulating the two newly made warriors. Finally, he spotted her gray pelt through the crowd, and made his way towards her. The chants died down and the two locked gazes, time seeming to slow down for a brief moment as he drew close to her.

"Congratulations!" He purred, brushing his muzzle along her cheek.

Streamflower blinked at him with a smile, her expression warm. "Thank you." She responded, her voice thick as she too let out a rumbling purr. Snowdrift felt a stir of butterflies erupt in his stomach as he stared deep into her honey yellow eyes. He couldn't quite place what he was feeling, but it felt like it lasted forever, swelling in his chest like a blossoming flower. But the feeling was ripped away the moment his gaze flickered over to her blood soaked shoulder, the affectionate smile he wore fading to a frown.

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