Chapter Eight

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Edited ✔️

"I'm sorry, but it's not my fault you decided to blindly wander into these woods." The tom hissed, his amber eyes flashing in anger as he slunk past Miley, his nose twitching as he sniffed at the crispy cold air.

Miley's scruff bristled. "Actually, it is. And also, I didn't blindly wander into the woods. I followed you, fluffbrain." She retorted sharply, whipping her tail through the air.

The black tom snorted, his lip peeled back viciously. "If you wanted to come with me so badly, why didn't you prepare yourself and remove that collar of yours?" He asked venomously, angling his muzzle scornfully towards Miley's neck, where a leathery brown collar was fastened tightly around it.

Miley recoiled, a flash of hurt appearing in her eyes, before quickly vanishing with the twitch of an ear. "I'm sorry, but would you even be able to do so?" She didn't wait for a response, and pressed onwards. "That, for a fact, would be a no. It's nearly impossible to remove a collar from yourself, unless you have the help of another cat."

The tom snarled. "Fine." He began walking away, but at the last moment he whipped around and leaped at Miley, his jaw outstretched in a yowl of outrage.

Miley scrabbled backwards with a cry of shock as his teeth sank into the fur around her neck

"What are you doing?" She screamed, her heart pounding in terror as the tom dug his fangs into her neck. She tried shoving him away, but to no avail. He released his grip, but lashed out at her with unsheathed claws. Miley cowered away as his claws connected with her neck, and her life flashed before her eyes. For a moment, she felt light as a feather, before pulled back into reality as a heavy weight dropped from her neck. Surprise flashed across her gaze as she looked down. She had gained no injury, but as she looked at the ground a wail rose in her throat.

"My collar!" She cried, terror igniting like a flame in her brown eyes. "What did you do?" She raised her terrified eyes to meet with his expression. His tail whipped back and forth, and his sides heaved. His claws sank into the snow as pants escaped his muzzle.

"You said it's impossible to remove a collar on your own." He hissed, his amber eyes darting to lock with Miley's. "So I just did you a favor."

Miley's heart sank like a rock.

"Shade." The tom meowed out of nowhere, his voice raspy as he calmed his panting.

Miley perked up, curiosity glittering in her still terrified eyes. "Shade?" She echoed. "You're shady?" She let out a wry laugh as her jaws parted to make another comment, but before she could, the tom furiously interrupted her.

He pinned back his ears as he flashed Miley a glare. "No!" He snapped. "It's my name, mousebrain."

Miley was briefly startled. "I —" she began, before Shade interrupted her again with a flick of his tail.

"Don't." He growled, his vicious tone drawing her to silence. "We need to hunt before you barrel me with questions. Got it?" He looked at her sharply, and she replied with a stiff nod. "Now. I'm going to help you and your pathetic pelt survive out here." He proceeded. Miley jumped in alarm.

"But I have to go back to my den!" She blurted, her tail tip twitching as worry stabbed at her heart.

Shade quirked a brow. "I thought you wanted to stay out here." He growled, his nostrils flaring as his sharp eyes met with hers.

Miley's mouth dried, and she shifted uncomfortably under his scornful gaze. "Y-Yeah, of course I want to leave." She meowed, the lie weighing down on her chest. "I-I just have to say goodbye to a friend!"

Shade snorted, rolling his eyes in annoyance. "Fine." He hissed. "I'll escort you back to your twoleg nest, then I'm leaving. With, or without you."

Relief welled up inside of Miley's chest, and she let out a short, but grateful purr. "Great!" She chirped, feeling excitement once more flood over her. "Now, can you teach me how to hunt?"

Shade stiffened, and rested his gaze on her. "You don't know how to hunt?" He spat. "What kind of a mousebrain are you?"

Miley stuck her muzzle into the air. "Well you should know I can't hunt! You saw the perfect demonstration of my failures yesterday." She tilted her head to the side, recalling his teasing from the previous day.

Shade grumbled in annoyance, his ears twitching as he squared his shoulders. "Fine." He sighed in reluctance. "I'll teach you."

Miley perked up. "Great!" She exclaimed, bouncing over to Shade's side. Her steps felt light and weightless, but a prick of discomfort ached at her chest as she noted the absence of her collar. Hopefully my housefolk will find me a new one. She thought to herself, dismissing her worries with an eager flick of her tail.

Shade touched his tail to Miley's shoulder in an instructive manner, buying her attention. "Now, lower yourself down like this, and make sure your paws are tucked in neatly..." he began, empathizing on every word as he pointed out the flaws in her position. Miley did as she was told, and time slipped by as the two practiced their hunting moves in the snow covered clearing, Miley's prickling pelt lowering to a state of ease.

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