Chapter Twenty-Two

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Edited ✔️

Mouse lay with his head on top of his paws. The full moon glittered down upon he and his mother, Mist's flank rising and falling lightly as she slept. Anxiety twisted like a knot in the kit's chest. He knew that Mist was going to wake up, either having been confronted by Darkblaze, or empty pawed, denying all of what Mouse had told her about following the brightest star. He glanced up at the sky, the moon at its fullest that night as it rested lazily amongst millions of stars, and it illuminated the clearing he rested in.


Mist's fur lifted as she awoke in an eerie clearing. Stars clung to everything around her, the trees, earth, bushes, and even a small mouse that skittered lazily along, as if begging her to catch it. Just as she was about to follow the temptation, she was interrupted by cat scent wreathing around her. "Welcome, Mist." A voice came from behind. Mist whipped around. Her blue eyes widened, before narrowing down as she spotted the black tabby.

"Who are you?" She snarled, glaring at the tom. The cat remained in perfect posture, his jaw flexed into a smile.

"You've probably heard of me," he meowed coolly, licking a paw and drawing it over his ear. "For I am Darkblaze."

Mist's eyelids fluttered, her mouth parting in shock. "So I'm dreaming?" She breathed, her eyes darting from side to side in the starlit clearing. It would make sense. She realized, eyeing the flourishing undergrowth.

Darkblaze dipped his head in response, padding towards her.

"You obviously know I'm here to assure you to follow the brightest star, just like your son told you to." He lingered a bit on the word son, blinking knowingly at Mist. Her hackles rose, her ears flattening as a growl began to rumble in her throat. Does he know?

But the tom continued, as if nothing had been referenced. "So you must do so. By following the brightest star, you are promised to be given a home. Not one of twolegplace, mind you. We don't need anymore kittypets than we already have, perhaps even less. Anyways, you will become apart of a group, a group of loyal cats who will put their lives on the line to defend both you and your kit. It shows promise, my friend. Major promise to protect the both of you." The black tabby tilted his head at her, his paw scraping lightly against the earth's floor.

Mist was silent, hesitance glittering in her blue eyes as they flickered over the tom. After a few moments, she reluctantly gave a short nod. "Alright. I will follow the brightest star with Mouse. He wishes to head there, so I will too."

Darkblaze appreciatively touched his nose to the gray dappled she-cat's forehead and she stiffened with a hiss. A blinding white flash emitted throughout the clearing. Then, Mist woke up.


Mouse scampered back as his mother awoke, his yellow eyes growing round. "Are we going?" he mewed, worrisome eagerness fizzing in his paws. Mist shook away her sleepiness as she stretched to her paws, her tail quivering.

"Yes." she replied calmly, however there was an unreadable glint to her eyes. "Yes, we are."

Mouse let out a squeal, leaping in joy. "Great!" he exclaimed, his ears perked. "So we're following the brightest star!"

Mist nodded, and nudged him forward. She felt unable to sleep, and as she looked up at the sky, the brightest star seemed to stand out now. It was clear in her view, and looked as if it were calling for her. She and Mouse then began padding forward, Mouse scampering ahead of her while Mist trailed easily behind. The she-cat looked up at the sky, blinking calmly. This had better be worth it. She thought to herself, the cool night air swirling around her as she and her precious kit began their journey. A journey to a better life.

The journey has now begun.

Warriors: Rise of the Weather [1] : The Journey Begins (OLD/DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now