Chapter Seven

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Edited ✔️

Pebblestar narrowed his eyes, observing the clan with a cold, hard look. He spotted the two medicine cats, Leopardstalk and Twigpool running about, tending to the ill Quietwish, Paleclaw, and Thrushpounce.

Weaklings. He scoffed, his eyes growing more narrowed. His tail swished across the surface of the high ledge, small flakes of snow gathering on is fur at the action. Easily disposable if any act of mutiny rises amongst them. He turned his head away, searching the clearing for anything of more interest. He spotted two kits, Splinterkit and Beetlekit, tussling in the snow. The two grew steadily closer to the sick, their squeals exploding into the air. The medicine cats seemed not to notice the dangerously close distance, and Pebblestar watched in interest. The kits' father, Redspark strode forward, speaking to the two young cats in a brisk tone. Shamefully, the two scampered off to another spot in the clearing, and began tussling once more.

Smart tom. Pebblestar silently acknowledged, his tail flicking as he peered closer to the red and black tabby. Loyal, too. He shifted back to an eased position, and let his eyes survey the clearing once more. His eyes landed on a familiar white tom, and he scoffed, frustration boiling in his chest. The leader deeply regretting his previous trust in Snowdrift. He obviously had conspiracy running through his mind, and it sent Pebblestar seething with rage to see one of his warriors with such disloyalty.

Thank StarClan his ways didn't transfer over to Mosspounce. Streamflower already has been effected enough — let's hope that she remains loyal, even under such a revolting cat's influence.

"P-P-Pebblestar?" A meow broke through the leader's thoughts, and instinctively the gray flecked tom spun around to face the cat with his claws unsheathed, a growl rising in his throat as he posed to lash out at whomever it may be.

Littleshine cowered away by a flinch, and Pebblestar relaxed. "Oh. It's you." He rumbled in acknowledgement to his deputy. His tail flicked lightly, and he tilted his head to the side. "What do you want?" The hostility he felt wasn't anywhere close to being covered in his tone as he awaited a response, impatience curling his claws into the ground.

"I-I wanted to ask you, P-Pebblestar," the golden she-cat stammered, her paws shuffling against the ground. "C-Could I take the d-day off of my duties? I-I'm not feeling my best, and I..." she trailed off, shamefully meeting her leader's sharp gaze.

"You want to take a day off?" Pebblestar hissed, a murderous glint to his eyes.

Littleshine swallowed, fear evident in her eyes as she gave an awkward nod. "Y-Yes, Pebblestar."

You better be scared.

"You horrible excuse for a deputy!" Pebblestar shrieked, lashing his claw against the she-cat's cheek. Littleshine let out a cry as she scrambled back. A few eyes darted up to the highledge, but they quickly averted into different directions. "How dare you ask for a day off? If you ask any more questions like this," Pebblestar towered over her, his breathing heavy and furious as he glared down at the deputy. "You'll be sorry."

Littleshine whimpered, and pawed at her fresh wound. Blood oozed down her cheek as she backed away, giving a small and pained nod.

"Go see Leopardstalk and get that cleaned up." Pebblestar ordered, flicking his gray tail over Littleshine's head. The golden she-cat nodded once more, and scrambled away, before extending her paws into a sprint as she raced to the medicine den. Pebblestar snorted in disappointment, turning his head away to scan the clearing. Still bubbling with rage, he padded down from the high ledge, and looked around briefly.

"Snowdrift." He meowed coldly, meeting the white tom with a flat expression.

The cat perked up, his blue eyes flickering in uncertainty as he met with the leader's gaze. "Uh...yes, Pebblestar?"

Pebblestar twitched his tail tip, fighting back the urge to rip out the tom's throat right then and there. "Would you like to go hunting with me?" He purred, the taste of blood already evident on his tongue.

Snowdrift flinched back, momentarily at a loss of words. "Well — I, uh, am due to go on a border patrol soon." He meowed, the fur along his shoulders fluffing up.

"Well, I'm the leader, and I'd like to go hunting with you. You are excused from that border patrol." Pebblestar rushed, forcing back a growl as he remained in a semi-calm posture.

"O-Oh." Snowdrift stammered in reply, his blue eyes darting nervously around the clearing until finally settling on a gray figure. He met his gaze back with Pebblestar's, newfound eagerness glittering in his icy eyes. "May Streamflower accompany us?"

Pebblestar parted his jaws to object, when Snowdrift pressed on. "I-I would make sense! I'm sure you could help reinforce her skills, since she did just become a warrior."

Pebblestar's shoulders sagged lightly. I'd better not make myself seem suspicious. I'll gain his trust, first. He decided.

"Fine. Streampaw — I mean, flower, may come with us."

Snowdrift perked up. "Thank you, Pebblestar." He meowed in relief. He beckoned Streamflower over, and the she-cat bounded towards the two toms, her paws gliding across the ground.

"Hello!" She chirped, her tail waving in a greeting.

Snowdrift smiled. "Streamflower, Pebblestar and I will be going hunting. Do you want to join us?"

Streamflower bounced to her paws. "Of course!" She purred.

Pebblestar curled his lip as the two young warriors began chattering like birds, and swiftly, he led the way out of camp.

Stay calm. You'll get to it soon enough...and Snowdrift will forever regret disobeying me. Pebblestar assured himself, his muzzle curling in a grin.

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