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Edited ✔️

Pebblestar slept soundly in his nest. Soft feathers that were plucked from starlings had been stuffed into the moss bedding, perfectly shaped to warm his fur in cold evenings. A shadow fell upon the den's entrance, and he lifted his sharp yellow gaze to see whom it was.

"Pebblestar?" A voice meowed. Pebblestar quickly identified the voice as belong to Mosspounce, and with a swish of his tail he beckoned the deputy into the den. Raising his head to stare at the young tom, Pebblestar watched through narrowed eyes as Mosspounce awkwardly shuffled forward.

"What is it?" Pebblestar growled, his lip peeled back in frustration to having been awoken from his slumber. "Any news to report?"

Mosspounce swallowed, his green eyes darting to and fro as his tail awkwardly lashed. "Actually — actually, yes. Yes, but, uh, I don't exactly know how to...say this?" He tilted his head to the side, and Pebblestar urged him on with an annoyed nod. "Streamflower, and... Snowdrift. They're gone. They never came back from the gathering, Pebblestar."

Pebblestar abruptly rose to his paws. "They what?" His voice was raised to a yell, and Mosspounce cowered under the leader's vicious gaze. "You're telling me that they didn't come back from the gathering?"

Mosspounce's tail spiked up, and he gave a terrified nod. "Y-Yes, Pebblestar." He bowed his head shamefully to the ground. "They're gone."

Pebblestar let out a snarl, swatting unsheathed claws over Mosspounce's head and striking the stone wall, engraving a mark into it.

"I'm sorry, Pebblestar. I-I didn't realize into it was too late." Mosspounce breathed deeply, crawling back to his paws. "I will accept whatever punishment you have for me. I deserve it." He meowed quietly, staring at the ground.

Pebblestar's muzzle wrinkled with fury. "You will find them." He snapped.

Mosspounce perked up. "I-I will?"

Pebblestar scowled at the deputy. "Yes, you will. You will punish them. Severely punish them for disobeying me. Do you understand?"

Mosspounce nodded eagerly. "Yes, I understand. How exactly do you want me to punish them?"

Pebblestar's gaze grew sharp, and he grinned at the thought of Snowdrift, wounded or even dead. Involuntarily, Mosspounce shivered as his leader turned to gaze at him.

"Oh, I'll tell you how to punish them, Mosspounce."

Finally. Finally, I'm finished! I'm so overjoyed right now - I'd never finished a book on WattPad before. What do you guys think? Are you excited for the second book? I'm already working on it, and do not fear! There will be action, lots more than there was in this one, because technically this book was just getting to know the characters! I will post an announcement here when it's been made, buuut, for now, make sure to leave your support and how you felt about this one! Thanks so much for reading, and may StarClan light your path. ~ Kitt

Warriors: Rise of the Weather [1] : The Journey Begins (OLD/DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now