Chapter Six

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Edited ✔️

Mouse leaped into the snow, his tail wriggling as he vanished beneath the surface. A moment later, her leaped back up, snow scattering around as he exploded from the ground. A clump of the white substance sprayed against Mist's muzzle, the she-cat watching from a few tail lengths away.

"Mouse! Be careful where you throw that." Mist scolded, her blue eyes flashing in mild irritation. Mouse shot a quick glance in his mother's direction, his tiny tail flicking ignorantly as he proceeded in prancing around. The tom-kit was too excited, for it had snowed overnight, and he just loved jumping around in it. His heart sank as teeth slid around his scruff, and he let out a mewl of complaint as Mist dragged him out of the snow.

Mist plopped him down onto a stone that jetted out from the ground, its surface wiped free of any snow. "Look at yourself!" Mist exclaimed, cleaning the clumps of solid water from Mouse's pelt with harsh licks from her rasping tongue. "You are such a mess."

Mouse tumbled away from her, sticking his muzzle into the air defiantly. "No I'm not!"

Mist gave her son's fur one last frantic lick before pulling away. "You most certainly are! You were covered from nose to tail tip with that snow. You could get sick!"

Mouse pouted. "No I wouldn't." He retorted sharply, his head tilted towards Mist as a frown wavered into his expression.

Mist narrowed her eyes. "Yes you would. Here, you still need to be cleaned." She leaned forward to cleanse Mouse some more, but before she could reach him, the kit had dove back into the snow, his fur sinking into the cold ground. For some odd reason, like usual, he felt a tad bit warmer the further down he went, his paws working frantically as he dug himself a hole. Slowly but surely, he began making his way to dirt, the soil scrunching between his toes. He dug further down, a small tunnel beginning to form around him as he tossed pawfuls upon pawfuls of earth behind himself.

Mouse shuffled around the small space he had created, turning around carefully as his pelt slid against the soil. His eyes grew round in shock as he realized that he had actually dug a few mouse-lengths beneath the earth's surface, and with a jolt of sudden fear, he began scrabbling forward, his heart pounding against his chest as he tried to escape the grasp of the loosely packed walls. Something began sucking at his hindpaws, air whisking past his legs as whatever it was tried pulling him back down. The tunnel was collapsing! He frantically lashed his claws against the air, trying to pull himself out as a terrified wail rose in his chest.

"Mist!" He cried as the invisible force succeeded, earth crumbling around him as he slid downwards, his tail coiling into an incredibly uncomfortable position as dirt clamped into his fur. "Help!"

A loud thumping came from above Mouse's head, his dirt covered ears making the noise nearly inaudible. There was a loud scraping and dirt tumbled around Mouse, covering him as oxygen became thinner. There was a flicker of light, and Mouse felt something grab him by his scruff.

Mist pulled the kit swiftly out of the hole she had dug to free him, Mouse swinging limply in her jaws. She placed him onto the snowy ground, rolling him onto his paws. "Mouse?" The she-cat meowed desperately, her voice hitched in concern. "Mouse, are you alright?"

Mouse was trembling, and after a few moments of silence he responded with a shaky nod, a whimper breaking through his jaws as he pressed against Mist's leg. Mist's muscles relaxed as she allowed Mouse to lean against her, a sigh billowing from her mouth as she looked up at the sky.


Mouse's trembling mew broke the silence, and Mist glanced down at him, blinking softly as the tom's yellow eyes stared up at her.

"Was I going to die?" Mouse whispered.

Mist's heart cracked in sympathy, and she wrapped her tail firmly around her kit. "No, no..." she whispered to him, gently licking his forehead in a comforting gesture. "Of course not. You were nowhere near dying, little one."

Mouse shuffled his paws. "A-Are you sure?" He stammered, his pelt bushed up.

Mist nodded. "I'm sure." She replied soothingly, tightening the grip of her tail.

A long sigh escaped Mouse's jaw, his eyes slipping shut as he huddled against his mother's form. "Thank you, Mist." He whispered, his voice barely audible as he breathed out the words.

Mist nodded numbly, staring down at her kit as he fell asleep. "Lets head back home." She murmured, knowing he wouldn't hear her as she carefully lifted him from the ground. "You've had enough time to play today."

Warriors: Rise of the Weather [1] : The Journey Begins (OLD/DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now