Chapter Two

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After the concert, Melody and I got out as fast as we could so we could get into the meet and greet. She was holding stuffed animals for Luke and Beau and I had, James', Jai's and Daniel's presents plus our signs. We probably looked crazy, then again, we were surrounded by girls just like us. I began to get anxious. What if we met the boys and they thought of us as just some fans. I knew it was inevitable, but the thought was unsettling. We had to do something to impress them, get their attention. "Mel," I whispered, nudging her. "We have to make a good impression, what do we say?!" Just as she was about to say something, a burly man qith a Security Guard uniform walked over. "Do you have passes for the meet and greet?" He asked in an intimidating voice. "Yep! Right here!" Melody said, reaching into her purse and strugling with the two giant stuffed animals she was holding. "Um, hang on-Can you hold these for a sec, thanks." She said handing everything to the guard. "Shit, Tayla, I think I gave them to you, please tell me I gave them to you." She looked up panicking. "Mel, you never gave me the passes. Just, uh, keep looking." I shifted uncomfortably, shouldering my bag. "Fucking hell-Tay I can't find th-" she was cut off by her phone ringing. Quickly, to avoid the situation at hand, she answered it. "Hello? Yeah hey... Really....You're sure.... okay great that's just fucking great... no no no it's fine.... okay... yeah... okay talk to ya later. Bye Mack." she hung up and she looked stressed, and completely furious. "That was Mack." she said through gritted teeth. "Annddd?" I wasn't sure I wanted the answer with that look on her face. "I left the fucking passes." The security guard shoved the teddy bears back at her. I had officially deemed this man an asshole. "No passes, no meet." He tried herding us out. "You can't just kick us out!" I said as he grabbed for my arm. "Yes, actually, I can. That's my job." He said, steering us towards the exit. "Okay okay! We can get out ourselves thank you very much! But I have to use the bathroom." Mel said really quick. The man let go and she and I walked off. "We can't just leave!" I whispered to her. "We've come to far in this to just not meet them." She got this strange look, turning slightly to me and glancing quickly at the guard. "Who said anything about leaving? I had a back up plan in case I forgot the tickets-"

"Nice going by the way." I cut her off.

"Not. The point." She glared at me. "The point is, i have a plan, and we're getting into the meet and greet."


There was no way this plan would work, but why not try it? Melody had seen this on tv once, she said, and thought it was pure genius. We walked up to a different guard, not on duty. "Um, exuse me, which way to the janoskians meet and greet?" I spoke up, getting his attention.  "Have you girls got passes." Melody scoffed, "We're their cousins, we don't need passes." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, okay... then what's with the signs?" I was ready for this one. "Some fans saw us and recognized us so they gave us some things they wanted the boys to have." He sat up a bit straighter... c'mon,  take the bait, I thought. "Then why don't you have Australian accents?" shit. "Well my bad for moving here when I was ten, I didn't realize I'd have to use my 'accent' when I wanted to visit my cousins. Sorry for the inconvenience now can you fucking let us get in before I call them out here to fire your sorry ass?" Mel spoke with so much bravado that I almost believed her. "Um, no need miss I'll just uh, right that way through those doors there and down the hall." Well damn, it worked. I was pretty impressed with how it went down. "Wow, I can't believe he bought it. What an idiot!" I said laughing. We were both in hysterics as we raced down the hall. when we finally got to the door we started walking in with some other girls. "Shit, Tayla, what do we say?" Melody whispered in panic. Before I could say anything, we looked up and saw five of the most amazing, beautiful,  indescribably perfect guys waiting for us. I turned to Melody, "Mel look, they're right there they're actually there!" We tried to calm each other down and we were both shaking horrendously. I looked back at them to see that Mel had caught Luke's eye and he kept glancing at her while talking to some girls ahead of us. "Mel, Melody!"


"Luke is checking you out!"

"No, he's not checking me ou-Oh my fucking hell Tayla he's checking me out he's looking at me oh shit do I look okay is my hair alright? How's my make-up? Is my dress alright? Shit do you have any gum?" I just laughed, reaching in my purse to grab her a piece. Luke was our favorite out of the Janoskians and Melody was hopelessly in love with him, so this was big. I assured her she looked alright as we made our way to the boys. "Hey guys, how's it goin?" Beau said, smiling wide at us. "Great! Wow I can't believe I'm here!The show was so amazing and now you're standing right in front of me! We both love you guys SO much!" I said, hugging each of them in turn. "Wow you guys are seriously amazing!" Mel said, also hugging them. I noticed when she got to Luke he hugged her a bit longer. I felt a bit of jealousy when I saw that. I was happy for her, extremely happy in fact, but I wish that I could get that attention from them too. We stood up to get a picture from them after a few minutes of talking and Luke and Mel flirting. As our picture was being taken, the guards from earlier came into the room. "Shit, Melody, we need to go." I said nudging her then tuggig on her arm. "What?! No, Tay we just got here we can't just-" The gaurd saw us then and started stomping towards us. "Hey, you guys can't be here!" he yelled, waving his fist at us. "On second thought," Mel said, "Maybe we should go." We quickly gave the boys our gifts and then started to make a beeline towards the emergency exit in the back of the room. I turned back to see Melody had stopped and run back to Luke, suprising him with a full on kiss. "MELODY!" I was laughing in shock and she turned around and ran to catch up with me, and we burst through the doors.


(A/N: sorry I didn't really get much dialogue in, I was being quite lazy and everytime I tried it would get worse and worse. Anyway, thank you so much for reading! Please bear with me on this FanFic as I am not the best writer. Also my family suprised us with a family trip to Vegas and Santa Barbara!!! I live tonight so idk how much I'll get to update but I'M GONNA SEE IMAGINE DRAGONS IN CONCERT THEN I'M GOING TO DISNEYLAND NEXT WEEKEND!!!!!!!!! So yeah I wanted to share that and imgnakfkaj I'm so fricken excited!!! Love you!!!)

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