Chapter 5

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I walked into Shawn's room and took a seat beside the bed. I grabbed his hand and just sighed. Today is Thursday, four days since I found out I was pregnant. I haven't told anybody I'm pregnant yet, Michaela is still the only person who knows, and she promised not to tell anybody. I decided to come tell Shawn today, even though he can't respond, he still deserved to know before anybody else.

"Hey baby, how have you been? I've missed you so much, I came here today to tell you some news. I know if you were awake you would be happy about what I'm about to tell you. The other day I found out that I was pregnant." I felt Shawn grip my hand and I smiled, maybe this is his way of telling me he is excited. "I want to be 100% happy about this because I have the opportunity to bring life into this world, but I don't know how I'm going to do this without you Shawn." I wipe my tears. "I don't want to experience this pregnancy without you, I want you to be there when I found out the sex, hear the baby's heartbeat, feel the first kick, help me design the nursery, and so much more. I just need you." I finish while hysterically crying.

Shawn POV

I could hear Bey crying and I tried my hardest to open my eyes so I can comfort her. I can't believe she just told me she was carrying my child. I've always imagined Bey having the rest of my kids, and now I'm not even there to experience it.

"I gotta go babe. I'll be back later on today so Nahla can see you." I hear her get up out of the chair and come a little closer to me. She places a kiss on my lips. "Love you"

I hear her walk out the room. I have to try my hardest to wake up now. I need to be there for Bey, Nahla, and my unborn child.


I made sure my face looked good before going into the daycare. I didn't need none of my friends asking me why I looked like I've been crying.

Upon entering my office I see Quincy sitting there with a connect four game on the table. I immediately start laughing.

"You cannot be serious right now" I say with a giggle.

He chuckles. "You've beat me countless of times through the phone, now lets see if you can do it in person."

I shrug. "Okay" I put my purse down on my desk and head over to sit down in the chair. G the table. As I'm gathering my red pieces I feel eyes on me. I look up to see Quincy staring dead at me. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing you're just really beautiful"

I blush while clearing my throat. "Let's play"

15 minutes later a knock on the door interrupts our game and laughing.

"Come in"

Michelle walks in with a confused look on her face.

"Uhh what y'all doing?" She asks.

"Well we've been playing connect four on the phone and Bey has been beating my ass, so I just wanted to see if she really as good as it seems. From the five games I've lost she is" he says while chuckling.

Michelle looks at me like a scolding parent and for some reason I feel guilty so I just look in my lap.

"Well I just wanted to let you know your kids are back from recess and waiting on you"

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