Chapter 6

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"Hey Bey" Araya says as she enters the car. I had just got off work and I'm picking her up from school like I promised.

"Hey" she turns around to greet Nahla.

"How is aunties favorite niece?"

"Auntie I'm your only niece" Nahla says with a giggle.

Araya laughs. "Which is why you are my favorite"

"How was your day" I ask.

She shrugs. "Uhh it was okay"

"You sure?" I question.

Araya nods her head and then puts her headphones in her ear, basically letting me know she doesn't want to talk anymore. I shrug it off and continue driving.

"Whose house is this?" Araya asks as we pull up to a house that is not mine.

"Nahla's grandma, she is going to be keeping her this weekend" I tell her while unbuckling.

"From her mothers side?" I nod my head.

"Nahla wake up." I slightly shake her up, she wakes up. "Hey, were at your grandma's house" I tell her. I chuckle at the way her eyes light up.

I help her out the car and then grab her bag from the trunk. Nahla waves bye to Araya and we head to the front door.

"Hey Bey" she says as she opens the door.

"Hi Miss Sheila"

"Grandma" Nahla yells while reaching out her arms to be picked up.

"How is grandma's baby?"

"I'm good, how about you?" Nahla questions.

We both chuckle. "I'm doing good"

"Well here are her clothes for the weekend. Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything." I tell her while handing over Nahla's bag.

"Alright. Say bye to your mommy" Miss Sheila says while handing Nahla over to me.

"Bye mommy, I'm gonna miss you"

"I'm gonna miss you too and you be on your best behavior okay?"

Nahla nods her head. "Love you"

"Love you too"

I say goodbye to Miss Sheila and then head back to my car.

"Want to get something to eat before we head home?" I ask Araya.


"You read my mind"

"You can take your bags upstairs while I put the food in the kitchen" I tell Araya as we walk through the doors.

I head to the kitchen, take the food out of the bags, and place them on the island where we are going to eat. While doing so my phone vibrates, I look down at it to see a text from Austin.

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