Chapter 15- Surprise

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                             Ross's POV

    Today is the day.
I hope she's happy.
It's currently 8 am.
Ellington's flight lands at 11 am and Jake lands at 1pm.
We're going to pick up Ellington then come home. Then I'm going to say I'm taking Lilly to a restaurant by the airport and that's when Jake will be there.
I think it sounds good.

I started to stroke her hair hoping to semi-wake her up.
She groaned and then pulled herself closer to me.
"Hey baby. We gotta go pick up Ellington at 11. It's 8," I said.
She groaned again.
"I wanna sleep," she said.
"Okay sleep. I'll wake you up at 10," I said.
She nodded then fell back to sleep.
    "Wake up baby," I said.
She groaned then sat up.
"Uhh I don't wanna go in a car for an hour to get Ellington. Can't Rydel just go?" She asked.
"Babe you know how much this means to Rydel. You don't even have to dress up. Just change out of what you are wearing," I said gesturing to her sports bra and spandex.
"Why you don't love it?" She asked.
"Well of course I do. But I don't want other guys trying to love it too if you get what I'm saying," I state.
"Don't worry I got it," she said laying down.
I laid my head on her chest.
"Ow Ross no. My boobs hurt," she says holding her boobs.
I laughed.
"Baby it's not funny. It's that time of the month. My girls are sensitive," she says smiling.
"You know it's a little funny," I say smiling back.
"Okay maybe a little. But when there is a war inside of my uterus it's not so funny," she says.
"I'm glad I'm not a girl," I say.
"You are one of the lucky few Mr. Ross Lynch," she says laying her head on my chest.
"I love you," I said stroking her thigh.
"I love you too," she replied and then she dosed off.
    "Babe wake up," I said.
"Fine I'm up," she replied getting up.
"Go change clothes," I said slapping her HUGE (and when I say HUGE I mean HUGE) ass.
She shook her head and walked into her room.

                             Lilly's POV

    I went into my room and changed into a different sports bra and new underwear. However I didn't want to wear my clothes so I went to Ross's room.
"Babe can I wear your sweatpants?" I asked.
"Sure babe on that shelf. And babe?" He said.
"Yes?" I replied.
"You're hot as fuck," he said.
I blushed.
Then I grabbed his gray sweatpants that were on his shelf and put them on. I then dug through his teeshirt drawer and found an old red tee shirt that said Austin and Ally on it and put it on. Then I put my hair into my messing bun.
"How do I look?" I asked.
"Hot," he said.
"Thank you but you look hotter," I said.
"Whatever you say beautiful," he replied.
"COME ON BITCHES LETS GO!" Rydel yelled from downstairs.
We all went downstairs and then piled into the car.

    "ELLINGTON!" Rydel screamed as she jumped into his arms.
"RYDEL!" He screamed back.
They shared a long passionate kiss and it was adorable.
Ellington then went around and hugged everyone.
Ellington and Rocky did some sort of handshake and did their bro hug.
That reminds me of Jake. God I miss my best friend.

Ross's POV

Ellington's flight landed an hour late so we only have an hour till Jake lands.
"Hey guys you head home. Lilly and I will take a uber," I said to Ellington and my siblings.
"Okay," they all agreed and left.
"Ross what are we doing?" She asked.
"We are going to a restaurant down the way," I said.
"Ross I look like shit. Please no," she begged.
"Fine we will just wait here for our uber," I said.
I then pretended to order an uber when really I was texting Jake.

J- just landed where ru?
R- by the south exit. Pretended to order an uber. She has no idea.
J- I'll be there in 1 minute.

I squeezed Lilly's leg to calm my nervousness.
I saw him before Lilly did but I kept my mouth shut.
"Hey babe," Jake said.
"Jake!" She yelled and jumped into his arms.

                               Lilly's POV

    "I missed you so much," I sobbed into his shoulder.
"I missed you too babe. Don't worry I'm here now for a week," Jake replied.
"How are you here?" I asked as Jake set me down.
"You can thank your boyfriend Ross here. Pleasure to meet you Ross. Thank you for this," Jake said shaking Ross's hand.
"The pleasure is mine. And anything for her," Ross said squeezing my hand and smiling.
"So now I'm gonna actually order an uber," Ross said taking out his phone.
We waited a good 15 minutes for an uber then we were on our way back.
"So how's it going with that girl you were seeing?" I asked Jake nudging him.
"Going good...really good," he said smirking.
"How are you and Ross going?" He said nudging me.
"I shall not speak," I said smirking back.
"Neither shall I," Ross said smiling.
"You fucked didn't you," Jake said.
Ross and a blushed.
"No comment," I said.
"Oh I'll get you to talk later. So Ross, you have any hot friends that are single females?" Jake asks Ross.
"Oh yes. I'll get you a list of phone numbers," Ross said.
It was about a half hour drive back and when we got back we immediately introduced Jake to everyone.
"Jake get your shit and we'll put it in my room," I said punching his arm.
"Okay little b," Jake replied punching me back.
"We will be back," I said to everyone as Jake and I went into my room.
He set his stuff down then I pulled him into a hug. His chin resting on my head.
"I'm so happy you're here," I said into his chest.
"I'm happy too. I missed my best friend," he replied.
"I missed you too," I replied.
I held onto him for a few minutes.
"You're being real clingy...that time of the month?" He asked.
"Damn you're good," I said laughing.
"I am aren't I," he said looking at himself in the mirror.
I punched him in the arm.
"Even after college, you're still conceded," I said.
"It's not being conceded, its self confident," he said, "You should try it sometime. It's great," he continued.
"You know I didn't mean it like that babe. I'm just saying you should be confident. A cute little doll like you doesn't need to not love herself. You are perfect as you are Lilly. I don't know how many times I need to tell you," he said kissing my forehead.
"We should probably go back downstairs," I said.
"Okay fine. Hey, I love youuuu," he sang.
"I love youuuu too," I sang.
We both went back downstairs.
    "I'm bored," Rocky complained.
"Rocky we literally just were talking," I said.
"But I'm bored," he whined again.
It was just Rocky, Ross, Jake and I.
Riker was on a date with Vanni, Rydel is at Ellington's house and Ryland left for tour with Olivia (Holt).
"It's like 5 so what can we do?" I asked.
"We could go to the beach?" Ross suggested.
"I'm in. Anyone else?" I asked.
We all agreed to go to the beach and we all went to change.
"You change in my room and I'll change in my bathroom," I said to Jake when we got to my room.
I grabbed a pair of gray sweat pants and a red tee shirt I stold from Ross. Also the box of tampons I had in my closet.
"Periods are a great thing aren't they Jake," I said sarcastically.
"Let's you know you're not pregnant so yes they are. Especially for girls like you who fucked someone only knowing them for half a month," Jake said.
"What are you trying to say?" I asked.
"I'm just saying be careful," he replied.
"Of?" I asked.
"Don't fall too fast babe. You'll be leaving before you know it. I just don't want my best friend getting hurt," he said.
"I appreciate it Jake and I'll try not to," I said.
I then went into the bathroom to do my business and change clothes.
I walked out of the bathroom to see Jake in a pair of black sweatpants and a gray sweatshirt.
"What time is it?" I mumbled to myself looking at my phone.
"Only 8? It's not even that late. I wanna go to bed. I think I'm going to. Night," I said to Jake laying in my bed.
"I'll let Ross know you're going to bed. I'm gonna go brush my teeth," he said walking out.
A few minutes later Ross came into my room to say goodnight.
"Goodnight beautiful," Ross said kissing my forehead.
"Goodnight my love," I replied.
"See you tomorrow," he said stroking my hair and walking out.
After another few minutes Jake came into my room and I set up a cot next to my bed.
"Goodnight Jake," I said holding his hand.
"Night Lils," he replied.
Then we both fell asleep.
Wow have I missed my best friend.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading!
Xo, Jada

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