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Time has been flying for Jungkook these past few weeks. Busy doing this and that. Being ordered around by Hoseok. Buy me coffee, dry clean this, hold this etc. Jungkook somewhat had an idea why his past assistants had quit. Jungkook though, is far from wanting to quit. He wants and craves more work, not knowing if he likes the attention from Hoseok or if he just likes working there.

Today though was different, it really was. It's seemingly quiet, too quiet. No one's telling him what to do. He feels.. Useless. It's because the boss is not present.

"I should call him."

Jungkook reaches for his phone and dials his number. It rings for awhile then someone answers it.

"Hello? J-Jungkook? What do you need?"

"Sir, I just want to know what time you're coming to work."

There was a sigh on the other side of the line.

"I'm sorry Jungkook, I can't come for a few days. I'm really not feeling well."

"But what about all the paperworks you have to sign?"

There was a brief pause from the elder.

"Can you do me a favor? Can you bring them to my house? So I can sign them here. It would be of great help."

"Sure sir, I'd be happy to. Rest now, I'll come around the afternoon. I still have to organize them."

"Thank you Darling, I'll leave you to it."

"Y-yes Sir."

The other hung up, leaving Jungkook speechless.

"Did he just? Darling? Me? What? No he's sick, it probably just slipped out. Didn't it? Was it just me? Or did he actually call me darl- I'm confused. I should wor-"

"Who called you darling?"

Namjoon's voice was behind him.

"Oh hyung, Sir just called me darling, I dont know why."

"Ah alright. Well is he not here?"

Jungkook shook his head.

"No, in fact im going over to his house to hand him his paperwork. Do you need me to give anything to him?"

"Mm, give this to him. Heat it up in his kitchen. He's been feeling really sick. I called someone to cook this for him so that he'll get better soon."

"Okay, thanks hyung. I'll get going now."

Jungkook grabbed all the things he needed and went home first to change before proceeding to his boss's house. He was quick to ask where it was located, luckily it wasn't far. He put everything neatly in a binder and shoved it inside a back pack.

He left his house which was located a block away from the restaurant he and Yoongi owned. He decided to walk and enjoy the day.
Jungkook thought it'd be nice to send Hoseok a get well soon selca. That's exactly what he did.

Hoseok was laying on his pure white mattress under the white fluffy thick blanket. His phone received a notification realizing it was from Jungkook. After three rough sessions of coughing he managed to unlock his phone and open it.

From: Kookistant

'I'll be there soon, I hope you're not too sick. Anyway please feel better :)  :*'

 Anyway please feel better :)  :*'

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