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"Hello? Is this Hoseok's father?"

Jungkook politely asks through the phone.

"You could say that. Who is this?"

"I'm Jungkook. I kind of have a request or a favor to ask you. Its not much."

"Do go on."

"Well it's just.. Hyung's birthday is in two days and I want you to-"

"I have no interest in his birthday."

"But he's your son. He really needs you."

Jungkook pleaded.

"No he doesnt.. he's already grown up and knows what he's doing."

"He calls for you late at night. Hoseok hyung is not good at expressing himself but you can clearly tell he misses his parents."

"I didn't know that."


Three days ago.

"Hyung, what would you want to happen before you turn 28?"

Hoseok thought about it for a minute or two. He fiddled his thumbs as they were both side together on the couch.

"I want my dad to understand me. All he thinks about is money, the company, himself, his profiles, profits, then Jin hyung, Namjoon and I are the last on his list."

"Ahh. Do you want to talk about it? It's healthy when you let your feelings out."

Jungkook takes the older's hand in his. Slightly caressing the palm area.

"I grew up teaching myself certain things, such as not to rely on them. I taught myself that I had to fetch myself water at the age of 4. My parents yelled at eachother all the time. There were no peace that came across our household for even a moment.

I would cry at night during thunderstorms because I felt lonely and scared. My parents were in another country. Hyung and Namjoon were in their own rooms and i felt embarrassed if i let them hear me. So I end up weeping at the corner of my bed calling for both of them.."

Hoseok's voice started to tremble near the end. Jungkook pulled him in, rubbing the back of the elder.

"Im sure they love you. Every parent loves their child. It may be difficult from the parents side but its nothing compared to how you're feeling."

Jungkook felt the warm tears landing on his neck and sliding down his back. Hoseok couldn't hold it in. He hugged Jungkook tighter, as if he was about to die at that very moment.

"Hyung talk to them."

"No, I've tried that so many times."

"Dont stop trying. I'll be here to help you."

"Jungkook, don't leave me. Please? You're all I have left."

"Dont worry hyung. That's the least of your worries."


"Please, hear him out. Understand what he's trying to imply. Don't shut him out."

Jungkook continued to explain through the phone.

"I had no idea he would cry. I rarely seen him cry."

The father replied.

"Hyung is looking up to you. I have to go. Please come talk to him. I'll get going."

Jungkook hangs up the phone.

"Why did you call him?"

Hoseok bluntly asked, making the younger turn around. He didnt notice the male walking in from work.

"I just wanted t-"

"Why would you call him?!!"

Hoseok raised his voice. He roared and Jungkook flinches. This wasn't Hoseok.

"I just-"


This made Jungkook break down. He didn't know what he did wrong. He only wanted to help. Soon enough a tear ran down his cheek.

Hoseok widened his eyes in realization. He dropped his brown leather bag and quickly held Jungkook.

"Hyung, I only wanted to help y-you.."

Jungkook was stuttering. Hoseok held him tighter.

"Im sorry, im so sorry baby. I didn't mean to lash out on you. Its just this is a sensitive topic for me. Im thankful you're trying to help but nothing will change my parents.
Baby forgive me, okay? Im sorry."

Hoseok kisses Jungkook's forehead.

"Hyung don't scare me like that ever again."

He whined while tears flow from his eyes. Hoseok pulled him away while his hand were placed on the younger's shoulders. Jungkook stared at him through teary eyes.

"Jungkook, Im really sorry. I promise I wont ever raise my voice again."

He wiped the tears away.


Hey hey hey lol idek. Enjoy (?)

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