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"Hello, it's good to have you back boss."

Hoseok was greeted by the guard standing beside the front doors. Hoseok did something he's never done before. He smiled at the guard.

"No, it's great to have us back as a team."

Hoseok kept receiving a handful of greetings coming his way and he always responded with a bright smile. Which they, even the male workers, couldn't handle.

"Ahh! He's so different now! But im not complaining. I'd love to see more of his smile."

One girl whispered. Hoseok took the elevator on his way to his office. He opens the door and sees Jungkook organizing his desk.

"Hello darling."

"Ah, hyung. You came earlier than I thought. Well anyway, the papers are on your desk. All you have to do is sign them. And you have a meeting with the Company of Denver at 4 pm."

"Denver, im guessing he speaks English."

"Don't worry he has a translator."

Hoseok places his bag on his desk and sits on his leather chair.

"Its good to be back."

Hoseok whispers to himself.

"Hoseok, Do you want to eat with me?"

A boy asked, he was shorter than him. Yet he was older.

"Ouh uhm, sure hyung."

This was 6th grade. Hoseok was the class president and the other was in grade 7.

"Do you want to hang out at my place? It'll be soo much fun!"

The boy asks, Hoseok couldn't say no, well he didn't want to say no because he didn't want to go home. At home it was loud. It was a ruckus. Namjoon appears to sit by them.


"Can I have your muffin Joon?"

Hoseok asks.

"You shouldve gotten your own. Here, we'll split it."

Namjoon hands him half. The boy was amazed by their chemistry.

"Are you two brothers?"

He asked the two of them.

"No, well kinda? But not really. We live together. He's been with me since kindergarten."

Hoseok replies.

"Why do you ask?"

"It's just, i have a little brother, he's three years younger than me. I still dont know how to make that kind of chemistry, i dont know how."

He confesses, Hoseok nods.

"It's naturally a kind act. Just make sure the other is happy then you'll be a great Hyung. Whats his name?"

"His name is-"

The bell interrupted him. Namjoon starts to get up and clean the mess he's made.

"We'll see you after school hyung!"

Hoseok waves goodbye as he and Namjoon goes to their class.

Hoseok was confused. Why did he suddenly think of this specific memory? He stopped signing the papers for a minute. There were merely 18 pages left.

"Who was that hyung?"

He whispered to himself again. He thought hard about it. He was curious. Just then, Namjoon comes through the door.

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