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8 months later

"Hyung, Yoongi and Namjoon hyung are flirting again."

Jungkook informed Hoseok. They were all in Yoongi's restaurant, just them and no one else. No strangers, none of that.

"Let them be. They do more than just flirt."

Hoseok finishes wiping a table. Jimin mops as Taehyung wipes the windows.

"Jin hyung are you almost done in the kitchen?"

Hoseok yells, he needed to wipe the counters in there asap.

"I did not skip work to be yelled at by my little brother. I'm trying to finish cooking here so we can leave."

Seokjin fires back.

"Jimin, did you pack all the things we need?"

Taehyung asked and the smaller nods.

"Pretty boy, i hope you have fun with us."

Namjoon spoke to Yoongi. They were sitting at a two person table. Facing eachother and brushing their pinkies from time to time.

"I'm sure I will. Will you, however, stop calling me pretty boy? I get shy and i dont know what to do. Like its been almost a year since we met. Yet I still get butterflies whenever you call me that."

"I like seeing you all flustered and shy. Seeing your smile lights up my entire soul. Your existence itself is a blessing."

Namjoon continued. Yoongi's transparent cheeks turned a slight pink shade.

"Ok I'm done. Hoseok get in the kitchen. I'll pack our food and we'll go soon."

Jin comes to the main area with an apron on.

"Does anyone need help with picking up their bags or are they all here?"

Hoseok reassured and everyone responds with 'all here'. Taehyung put the blinds down and flipped the closed sign and added a note at the bottom of it.

'Sorry, we are closed
for two months.'

"This is like a triple date, and Seokjin hyung is the dad that's keeping his eyes on his little ones; aka hoseok hyung and joon hyung."

Taehyung giggled at his own comment.

"HEY! Who you calling little one? Im 28, you're like 9."

Hoseok defended himself in a low tone. Namjoon didn't care, well he didn't hear as he was too focused on Yoongi.

"Hon, come help me clean the kitchen."

Jungkook followed the older inside.

"Hyung, isn't this too rushed? For all of us, i mean. Don't we need at least more than two months to prepare this?"

"Don't get too worried we've been planning this for 7 months babe. Jimin and Taehyung have been together for ages and Namjoon, that brat, is like in love with your brother."

Hoseok wiped the stove and Jungkook started to mop the oily floor.

"Will it work out like how we want it to be? I mean its very rare to see three couples getting married at the same time. Last time I checked, no one married their spouse at the same time his brother married his own."

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