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"Hello.. my name is Hoseok, nice to meet you."

Hoseok introduced himself before bowing respectfully.

"You are such a good looking man."

Jungkook's mom said.

"Jungkook, I'm happy for you two."

His dad informs them. The younger only smiled in happiness.

"Im so glad that you've accepted me Mr. and Mrs. Jeon."

"Oh dont worry, Kookie has been talking about you through the phone last night and he just wouldnt stop."

His mom chuckles and stares at his son.

"Hoseok, do you mind inviting your parents over today?"

His dad suggests and Hoseok chuckled. He felt uneasy and slightly stared at Jungkook.

"Uhm, dad. Hoseok Hyung ki-"

"Its okay, I'll call them. Please have a seat I'll be with you in a minute."

Hoseok interrupted Jungkook, the maknae only tried to save him. Hoseok took his phone out and hesitantly called the number.

It rung for a few seconds. Then a male answered.

"D-.. uhm. Uh Sir, would you mind having dinner with my partners family?"

"Look at you, calling me sir. Its kinda pitiful if you ask me. Sorry way too busy. Son"

Hoseok returns to the Jeon family.

"Unfortunately m-my pare- they can't make it. I apologize."

Hoseok had a hard time wording out the specific word. Soon enough he started to sneeze, quite continuously.

"Hoseok? Are you sick?"

Jungkook asks. Hoseok kept sneezing unable to reply.

"A- .. alle- Allergies."

Hoseok blew a loud sneeze.

"Oh my, what are you allergic to??"

Jungkook's mom looked concerned.

"P-per- perfume."

"Mom are you wearing perfume?"

"No, your dad is wearing cologne though."

"It's ok-okay, I'll take my medications."

Hoseok walked into the kitchen keeping himself away from the food. He grabbed a bottle of pills from the cupboards and took two into his system. Jungkook enters the kitchen.

"You ok hyung? I didnt know you were allergic to anything."

"Im feeling better now."

"Awwe my wittle baby is strong, he's a big boy now!"

Jungkook cooed, slightly teasing the elder.

"Jungkook I'm not little."

Jungkook only chuckled at the blunt reply from the elder. They joined Jungkook's parents back in the living room.

"Are you okay?"

The dad asks.

"Thank you, im fine."

Hoseok responded. They went to the dining room and sat down around the table after fetching their food.

"Hoseok, may i ask what your parents do?"

The mother asks.

"Oh uhm.. my fathe- r, he, uhh, runs a business and he's also growing his company in the US. My m-mother she's.. uhm."

Hoseok gulped down some food whilst he tried to not breakdown. He couldnt finish his sentence. His mother was gone.

"Hoseok, do you hate your parents..?"

The father suddenly fires. Hoseok looked straight at him with worried eyes.

"My dad hates me."

Those simple words were enough to keep his parents out of their conversations. The table forgot about the tension and continued to laugh and talk about their childhood. Instead of talking about Jungkook's childhood, the parents told their love story.

Time flew by so fast, it was already 11 pm.

"Its late. We better go, it was nice seeing you Jungkook and Hoseok I'm thankful that Jungkook picked someone so caring, handsome, and hardworking like you. Next time we come, it better be your engagement party."

The boys laughed at the younger's mom. They said their goodbyes and left.

"Well, im full and tired."

Jungkook informs the elder. Hoseok wraps his arms around the maknae's waist.

"Aww, my wittle baby is tired."

Hoseok teased him, mimicking him from earlier.

"Hyung dont."

"My wittle baby jungkookie is a tired baby. Aw its passed his bedtime. Do you want me to get your teddy bear and read you a bedtime stowy?"


"Baby Jungkook you cute lil bunny wabbit. Want a carrot before bed?"

Hoseok pulled him closer towards him.

"Alright hyung! I get it! Im sorry!! I'll never call you little baby ever again."

"Good! Because you're my little baby arent you?"

Jungkook wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Little? Do you see how buff i am?"

"Are you sure you arent on steroids kook?"

"Im sure, i was born a muscled baby."

"You're so cute."

Hoseok kissed him on the lips which was a pleasant surprise for Jungkook. They were so close together as they made out slowly. No gaps were found in between them.

Their breathing had shifted into heaviness. Hoseok pulled away first, a string of thick saliva still connected them.

"Go to bed, I'll clean up the kitchen."

"Hyung, i love you."

"I love you too baby."

Boring chapter sorryy but ayyee i can update more now since finals are over. But gotta get rid of my writers block.

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