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Brian and Angela walked back downstairs as soon as they walked in the dinning room Layla runs up to Angela and says
"Mama... are you ok?"
"That's what we need to talk about sweetie." Angela says as the room grows quiet.
"What you mean?" Lance says
"Uhh... Well... We got something very important to tell the both of you." Says Aunty Kaniyah as she ushers everyone to sit down at the dinning room table. At this point Angela is crying again, and her husband is holding her. He dreads this conversation, because in his heart they are his children too.
"We have a lot to talk to y'all about, & I know it maybe a lot to take in, but please know that we did it only to protect you, and because we love y'all." Amir says to Layla and Lance as Treecie pulls out a chair and sits at the table and listens to what everyone is trying to say.

"Y'all scaring me, can we please just get on with it." Lance says as Layla rest her hand on her brothers arm to calm him, but her own nerves are just as rattled at what could possibly be exposed to them.
"We're not your parents..." says Angela as L jumps up from out of his seat, which falls backward and makes a loud sound when it hits the floor; as he Looks at the woman he has known as his mother, and the man who he's known as his father almost all his life then says,
"Come again... Say what???" As Layla stands up with her mouth wide open, as she just looks around the room. She seems to be lost for words at the moment.

"We're not your parents..." Tears began to stain Angela's cheeks, as she repeats herself her voice begins to crack, as Lance lashes out and says,
"What the hell you mean y'all ain't our parents!!!" Shouted Lance.
"You mean to tell me that our entire life that we been living has been a lie???" asked Layla who looks as if the flood gates would burst at any minute from within her eyes, as Treecie begins to cry, as she takes in what she has just heard.

"If y'all not our parents then who is our parents, and are we even related at all???" asked L with a menacing glare at Angela and her husband.

'This can not be happening thought' Treecie as she began to cry even harder.
"Yes L we are related, as I said earlier I am not your biological mother and Bernard is not your biological father. I am your aunt." says Angela.
"If you're our Aunt which makes Bernard our uncle, who in the hell is our mother and father!!!!" shouts L becoming Irate as Layla places her hand on L shoulder and says,
"I know your upset L, hell I'm upset too, I want to throw things and cuss up a storm, but the fact is, that wont solve anything. So how bout we calm down and hear mom... I mean Aunt Ang out."

L looked at Layla and knows she is right; so he tries his best to calm himself down by taking deep breaths and counting down from ten, as he sits back down and listens to what his Aunt have to say.

"My Older brother Ky'andre Meyers is your biological father, and your mother is Janell Stokley-Meyers." said Angela.
"Your mother and father were madly in love, they started off as best friends, and their friendship turned into love." replied Kaniyah because she saw that her big sister was having such a hard time trying to explain to the twins their family big secret, without getting choked up.

"Your mom and dad loved you both so much---"
"If they loved us so much why were they so quick to get rid of us?" L asked a lil bit pissed off. "Your mother Janell loved you two like crazy L. She didn't want nothing to happen to you guys, and thought it best for Ang to raise you both, because your parents were both heavy into the street life." Said Amir.
"You and your sister are pretty much set for life lil niggah, thanks to your moms and pops, who ran a major drug empire. They pretty much had half of the east coast on lock, up until they were killed, and now that you are finna graduate and y'all are of age we feel its time that the reigns be passed down to its rightful owner; which is you young blood." blurted out Khalil who seem to have lost his patients due to how his sisters kept dragging out this family meeting, as Angela walked up and slapped the shit out of the back Khalil's head.

"Aye man you gonna keep yo damn hands to your self Ang." said Khalil as he laughed at Angela's facial expression.
"Lil!!!! Now why the hell you blurt that shit out like that."
Shouted Angela as Khalil chuckled and said,

"Aye, I told yo ass I got places to be things to handle and biddy's to do... But you and Kaniyah's slue footed ass; keep acting like we got all damn day to be up in here, so I decided upon myself to help both y'all silly asses out."

"I know the fuck your big headed, comp wearing, light bright ass ain't calling me slue footed... Niggah I ain't Ang, and you best watch who you talking bout before I body your light bright ass with the quickness... My niggah you got me fucked up... You know you don't want none of this..." shouted a already heated Kaniyah.

"What... Was I suppose to be scured?" asked Khalil
"Both y'all better chill straight up, this is not the time or place to be petty right now. So both y'all dump it the fuck down now..." said Amir.

In the process of that lil petty argument between Khalil and Kaniyah, Latrice gets up from the dining room table with blood shot eyes and walks over to Angela and barely whispers, "What about me??? Are you not my mom too?"
Angela hate's to see her babies hurting, she wants to just wrap all 3 of them in her arms and protect them from any and all pain that they are enduring.

Everyone got quiet and looked at Angela and Treecie as Angela pulled her into a tight hug, as Treecie and Angela cried together.

"Yes baby... I am your mother. When Janell gave me L and Layla, I was already pregnant with you, and being as tho L and Layla were only toddlers in diapers they really didn't remember Janell or Ky'andre.  Their parents thought it was best to stay away so that their enemies would not use L nor Layla as pawns to get to Nell and Dre." said Angela wiping Treecie eyes as she says." Yes I am your biological mom Treecie, and although I'm not L and Layla's biological mom... I am still all of your mom, because y'all are my babies and I love you all more and more each and every day."

Before L could snap out Layla shouts out, "Take us to our parents grave." Everyone looks at Layla as well as L. He knows his twin is on the breaking point but he needs answers too. But when she said it, something within him snapped.

"I can take this shit, I gotta go." L walks out before anyone could stop him as Angel falls to the floor sobbing uncontrollably.
"Mama please stop crying" Layla speaks as the tears begin to storm down her face.
Angel was shocked she thought they would stop calling her that. Well so far Layla still did. She didn't know what L was thinking and that mad her heart hurt. She felt like she was losing her kids.

"Oh my baby, I love you so much. I never meant to hurt y'all. Y'all are my babies" Angel sobbed.
"It's OK. Give L time then we will go to their grave together." Layla said holding on to her Aunt but in her heart she was her mother and always would be.
"Go find my baby y'all, please." Angel pleaded with her brothers, as they all loaded up in the Tahoe heading out to find L.


Well the secret is finally out. Will this family come back from this stronger, or will it be too late for things to ever be right again... IDK....

This is the 1st part of the series. Part 1 shall soon be coming to a end please be on the look out for part 2 that will be happening really soon.... Stay tuned 💋👊✌&💗 Everyone

Copyright © 2016 | Revised 9/2018 hello_gurl34|Joy Anita Caldwell | BEYOND EYESIGHT | Remake of URBAN OBDUCTION
With the help of Co-Author
SimplyBree318 | Breeanna Anderson| Written_Voices34

No parts of this story may be reproduced in any way shape or form by any means,
electrical or mechanical without written permission from the author.

This is purely a work of fiction, names, places, characters, or incidents are products of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals or peoples either living or dead
is all purely coincidental.

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