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[ Kanye West - Good Morning video in MM ⬆above⬆]

Inside The Meyer's House Hold

Everyone is in a rush as they are getting ready for graduation later today. Treecie is still in her feelings because she can't party with L and Layla at D&B. ( Dave & Buster)

Angela is in the kitchen, making a vast graduation breakfast for the family as she placed the food on everyone's plate and places their plates in front of them on the table.

L begins to dig in his food but is slapped upside the head by Angela

"Ouch!!!" shouted L as he begins to rub his hands down the back of his head as he looks behind him to see who just slapped the shit out of him.

"Boy, I know damn well I taught you better than that," says Angela, which made Treecie & Layla laugh as Treecie stuck out her tongue and pointed her index finger at L.

"Sorry, Ma," replied L as everyone bowed their heads and said a silent grace.

As everyone is eating breakfast, uncle Lill enters the back door being his loud and usual self.

"What's crack-a-lacking la Familia." Shouted Lill while digging his hands into the tray of bacon as Angela walks over to Lill and commence to smack him upside the head the same way she struck L earlier but harder.

"Ouch... What the fuck was that for Ang!!!!" Shouted Lill as he dropped the bacon and began to rub his right hand down the back of his head and neck.

"I know damn well momma taught you better than that. You know you don't go digging in someone's food without washing your funky ass hands, or without asking permission," shouted Angela while mean-mugging Lill
"Yeahhh.... Don't nobody know where your hands been, Unk." Replied an instigating Treecie.

"What I tell you bout your damn hands, Ang, I keep telling you, don't think because you a female I won't hit you the fuck back and as for you, stay in a child's place and out this grown mans face acting like you the fuck grown," said Lill while pointing at his big sis and Treecie, as he turned around and walked over to the sink to wash his hands which made everyone laugh.

"I see you washed those crusty musty, dusty ass hands of yours, and you know damn well you weren't gonna hit shit up over here, bruh." Replied Bernard as he kissed his wife on her lips and was on his way out the door.

"Ohhhhhh!!!!" shouted L, Layla, and Treecie while laughing and pointing at Uncle Lill.

"Whatever Nigga... One day your wifey ain't gonna be so lucky, and I'm gonna tag her fucking ass back, female or not. She gonna fucking learn 1 day watch." said Lill as he grabbed some bacon out of the tray and bit into it.

"Pops." Yelled L as he got up and ran over to him.
"Yeah." replied Bernard
"Are you still coming to the graduation today?" asked L
"You know Layla is our class Valedictorian."
"I'll try to get there as soon as possible son, depending on how long this meeting will take. You know I would not want to miss my oldest babies walk down the Isle... Im proud of both you and Layla." said Bernard.

"Thanks Pop, We understand and appreciate all you've done for us." Said L as he hugged Pops then watched him turn around, pick up his brief case, then walked out the door.

L walked back into the kitchen, cleared the area he was eating at then went to the sink, and cleaned the dishes that were dirty from the slamming breakfast that mom made, then put them away.

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