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Lance is wandering around aimlessly heading in the Cemetery not far from the house. Brian Calls Ang at the house and tells her that they found L and for them all to meet at the Cemetery. Lill shouts,
"Yo L, hold up." As L turns to see him. Lill runs up to him as L breaks down crying in his arms and says,
"I just don't get it Unk, what am I missing? I just want shit to be simple and normal again... Why me B." L cries while hugging his uncle Lill as Lill pushes back from the embrace and replies,
"Shit ain't ever gonna be easy. Life is always hard, but you strong enough to survive my nigga, now get the fuck up. When your mama comes up in here you hug her, that woman would give her life for the both of you. Remember you had 2 moms and they both ride or dies." L laughed as he was deep in his thoughts thinking how he certainly agrees with his uncle Lill, 'Both my mom's are and were most def ride or die women.' As he was knocked out of his thoughts by Lil saying,
"Now it seems that you  have three Ma's, one is alive and kicking, and the other one is resting in peace, but that sexy ass girl of yours is now taking ur other moms place, albeit in another manner." Laughed Lill and L as he continued his little talk with L and said,
"Just don't follow in my foot steps, and dog that little P.Y.T out, continue to do right by your lil shorty and never let her fine ass go."

[ A\N PYT stands for Pretty Young Thing ]

"Thanks Unk, I won't." Said L as his uncle hugged him again as they hear cars pulling up. They both turn around and walks towards the rest of the family as L hugs, and lifts his momma up in the air; which kinds of catches her off guard, but she returns the tight embrace as she begins to smile as he hugs her tightly, then places her feet back down on the ground, as he kisses her forehead and says,
"Ma I want to apologize for my behavior, and my previous out burst's earli--" as his mom raise her hands to his mouth to silence him, and replies with tears falling from her eyes,

"There's no need to apologies son. Your feelings are valid and you had a right to behave that way... Trust I understand, and I should be the one apologizing to you... I never meant to hurt you or your sister. I just wanted to protect you both. I love you all so so much baby." As Layla and Treecie walks over as she engulfs all three of her babies in a hug,

L reaches up and wipes the tears from Angels eyes while they all are embracing one another. As they break free from the embrace L apologizes to his sister's,

"Sorry Layla and Tree." As tears threaten to spill from the rims of his eyes.

"It's Ok big head." Treecie says as she smiles at L and punches him in the arm playfully; which makes L laughs at her, then turns to Layla to speak, but it turns into some type of twin connection as Bernard, (Angela's husband who is also known as L and Layla, uncle\father and mainly Treecie's father) walks up and hugs Angela from the back; wrapped both his arms around Angela waist, as he kisses her shoulder blade on the sly when he thinks no one is paying them any mind; which calms her nerves immediately, as she places a soft smile upon her face, as Lance and Layla say in unison the same exact words as if it was rehearsed,

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