Chapter 2: The Weirdo's on Maple Street, Part 1

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One good thing about being in this uncomfortable situation was the sofa was pretty comfortable. These 3 boys somehow managed to bring us back to one of their houses and now i sit here wondering what's next.

The curly haired one brought me back and gave me his jacket for the rain since I was really cold. Eleven had on the jacket a boy with a bowl hair cut gave her. And there was another kid who just looked really unhappy to see us.

"Is there a number we can call, for your parents?" The bowl hair cut one said as me and Eleven watched the boys carefully.

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" The curly one one said really shockingly at Eleven. I wonder what cancer is. It must be bad since his reaction was scary.

"Are you in some kind of trouble?" The bowl cut haired one said looking at the 2 of us. Soon the dark skinned kid spoke.

"Is that blood?" He reached towards me as I slowly sunk deeper into the couch to get away from his grasp. The bowl cut one slapped his hands away in time. Me and Eleven haven't said a single word.

"Stop it your freaking them out" 

"They're freaking me out" He fought back and the curly haired one spoke up again. He turned back towards us.

"Maybe they're deaf!" He exclaimed. Deaf? What does that mean. Suddenly he clapped both of his hands together towards and me and Eleven jumped back in fright, not expecting his actions.

"They're not deaf"

"Alright that's enough, They're just scared and cold" He said running off to grab something. The thunder clapped and I jumped again. I was always scared of storms. The curly one looked sympathetic towards me and Eleven slid closer to me.

I'm glad the bickering and the questions had stopped. To much was going on for me to handle. Not to mention, the dark skinned one really doesn't like me and Eleven by the looks of it.

I noticed the curly one's lack of teeth which quite fascinated me. But I didn't want to ask him in case it would upset him. It made him a lot cuter thought in some ways. I pulled his jacket closer to my body in hopes of getting any type of heat.

"Here, these are clean OK?" He said handing Eleven a pair of trousers and a hoodie. He handed me another pair of clothes that were similar but looked different.

"These are Dustin's, he left them here at a sleepover so I'm sure he wouldn't ind you wearing them" The bowl hair cut one explained. So the curly one was Dustin. I looked to him and he just smiled and nodded.

Me and Eleven stood up and I began to tug off the end of the shirt Benny gave me. I slowly began to pull it up but I felt a pair of hands stop me.

" NO NO NO, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD" A chorus of voices broke the room as Dustin held my hands down while the bowl cut done the same with Eleven. The dark skinned one turned around and covered his eyes. I don't understand what's wrong.

"See over there, that's the bathroom, Privacy, get it?" He said while Eleven just stared at him and nodded. I grabbed her hand and led her towards the bathroom.

He was about to shut the door but Eleven stopped him. The fear of him shutting that door over took me and images flashed my mind. I hated Papa. I hated him.

"You don't want it closed?" He asked Eleven. He mostly kept his eye on her until his gaze fell unto me. But quickly returned to her's.

"No" She said simply, speaking for the both of us in the situation. I kept my gaze on Dustin in the door way. He looked at me too. He was really interesting.

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