Chapter 8: The Upside Down

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Slowly Dustin's grip on my shoulders loosened and he got up and began walking towards the doors. I raised my eyebrow but got up to follow him anyway while shrugging at El. I felt more comfortable being with Dustin at this time too.

Along with Mike running out the other doors screaming for Nancy and Jonathan who are no where to be found at this moment in time.

"They're gone" Mike said running in while me and Dustin stopped in the middle of the hall to hear what he had to say.

"What?" Lucas said and immediately Mike answered. "Jonathon's car is gone and so is Nancy" Mike exaggerated.

"They're probably just sucking face somewhere" I couldn't help but snicker at Dustin's comment which he gave me a light hearted smile in return. 

"No, no way" Mike protested. He kept shaking his head as if he was trying to get the image of Jonathon and Nancy out of his head that Dustin just planted.

"Maybe they went with Hopper?" Dustin asked again. I was still really weak and my bones felt really thin. Like I could rip like paper. El was the same but we gave each other a look before she began to talk.

"No" El said. I wrapped my arms closer around me as El just looked at me with these eyes. Eyes she's never gave me before and it took me a while to realise what she was trying to say to me. And then I figured it out.

"What did you see them leave?" Mike jumped in and El stayed calm for the first time in a while. "Yes" Was her only answer.

"Where did they go?" Mike asked turning to me as El looked really uncomfortable and she was slightly shaken from the recent event.

"Demogorgan" I said in a monotone voice and lowered my head. I knew they boys looked between each other in hopes of a plan.

But at this point, me and El knew our future.


Me and El were curled up in a ball on the wooden benches as the boy spaced up and down the gym. They were all anxious but I don't think they'll ever know the feeling of what I feel right now. And I hope they never do.

"Guys, GUYS" Mike screamed trying to get everyone's attention. Everyone was on edge and all I can think of is the safety of Nancy and Jonathon. I can't save them by now.

"This is crazy, we can't just wait around" Mike fully had the plan of going to help Nancy and Jonathon but Dustin and Lucas protested against it.

"Mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives. The bad men are still looking for us." I don't even remember how we got here unknowingly but I knew it was because of Hopper. I was happy to ever meet a man like him.

"And we don't even know where your sister is!" Dustin interrupted Lucas and waving his arms about. 

"El and Fifi can find them"

"Mike look at them" Dustin pointed to me and El. Our skin was white as snow with the occasional red and blue veins here and there. The blood under my eyes had dried and our clothes were mildly damp. We were worn and had bags under our eyes. We looked crazy.

"I still think we should stick to the Chief's plan" 

"Exactly" Lucas agreed with Dustin. " We stay here, keep El and Fifi out of sight and we keep them safe. That's the most important thing remember? Besides, she's with Jonathon she's safe"

My eyes became blurry. I didn't know if it was tears or weakness but I knew my heart stopped. The same thoughts raced through my head and they were making it worse. They were making it difficult from what me and El were about to do.

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