Chapter 6: The Monster

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At this point I don't know if it was ever the right thing to do as I ran away. I should have went back to Mike and Dustin the second I heard Dustin call my name. But we didn't.

We knew we caused enough drama and pain into these boys lives and as much as it kills me to leave Dustin I had to. It may not seem like it for them but we ruined their normal lives with our paranormal one's.

Walking at a steady pace now while El continued to grip onto my hand like her life depended on it, my stomach began to grumble. I could feel bubbles popping in my stomach as I haven't eaten in hours.

"Are you hungry?" El asked softly as we trudged through the woods in hoping to find somewhere we can relax. I nodded slightly.

"We can go find food" El said and I nodded my head agreeing with the plan. I really wanted one of those 'Pop tarts' as Dustin likes to call them and I knew Eleven was craving Eggo's. We began walking near where the roads are to find some sort of store.

I never got to thank Mike for letting me and El in and feeding us even though we were strangers. And I knew I only met these boys less than a week ago but I can't help but feel close to them.

I always knew I had a connection to El as we tried to spend time together when Papa was around. But then I met Dustin. I don't know what it was bout him but he intrigued me.

He treated me with respect and not like a broken girl looking for a normal life to live. As much as he brought up the way i had 'superpowers' he never treated me differently for it. I knew I was crushing on Dustin, no doubt about it, but it only seemed to strike me now. I even knew from day 1 that he was different but I liked him for it.

And I know Mike has a crush on Eleven as Dustin likes to remind me on a daily basis about how Mike never shuts up about her when there at school. But  Mike says the same thing about Dustin and his feelings towards me. 

I find Mike more like an older brother than I do anything else. Although I am unaware of my age as Papa never told me, I feel I am younger than him. Mike spends a lot of his attention on El but is sure to make me feel welcome and important.

Lucas I can never quite wrap my head around. I am not quite sure why he hates me and El for some reason but I don't dislike him. I just have to know what it feels like to be in his shoes. If i lived a normal life and some strange paranormal boy or girl showed up trying to change things, I would be angry too. I do hope one day he will like me though because he seems like a really nice guy.

And as of this moment in time, El is hating herself. I know she never meant to hurt Lucas she just felt pressured in a small amount of time. Even though I'm trying to help her get the bad thoughts out of my head I feel as though I'm not helping.

Slowly Elevens eyes began to shut and her footing got dizzy. I quickly put my hands under her arms and dragged her next to a giant log in the middle of the forest with no one around. I knew she was having a bad memory and tends to pass out when she has them.

I leaned against the log and put her head on my lap to make sure she was comfortable. I looked up at the sky waiting for her to open her eyes and we could continue looking for food. 

I wonder what the boys were doing now. Are they looking for us? Did they go home and try to forget any of this happened? I wouldn't blame them if they did.

I took Elevens wig of slowly and placed it on the ground beside us. I only now realised I was covered in dirt and my cheeks lined with dried up blood. Elevens nose was bloody too and her dress was dirty. 

I felt her rustle a bit and knew she would wake up any second. She immediately sat up and turned to me and sighed. She looked at her surroundings and back to me. She leaned over and gave me a hug as if to say thank you for not letting her hit the ground.

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