Chapter 3: Holly, Jolly

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"NO PAPA, NO PLEASE" My voice was strained. I haven't had a drink of water in days. It felt as though my throat was tightened and even the smallest bit of sound was an achievement to me. 

The women, I didn't mean to. At the time I knew one way or another I'd be back here but I had hope. Just watching the blood come rushing out her legs was a blur as I was too busy crying. I felt two pairs of hands grab my arms an drag me half way across the institution.

I've been here for days. No food, water. No love. I slide down the door and closed my eyes. As much as I didn't believe a God above for he would never let this happen to me. I prayed.

I just prayed. 


I stared at the ceiling. The colour mixing my brain into a frenzy. Only now I realised my head was across Elevens lap on the couch. She was too busy fiddling with the walkie talkie.

"Are you OK, Fifi?" Dustin said, kneeling in front of me. "You look very pale" He stated as he rubbed my cheek. I just nodded and gave him my best smile. The boys and El were too busy to pay attention to us.

"You know you can talk to me. I'm always here for you" He said grabbing my hand. I stared at the connection between us and a real smile spread across my face.

"I'm fine Dustin, don't worry" I spoke the longest sentence I had ever spoke and I felt a sense of pride. For once I felt happy with myself that my vocabulary was expanding.

"If your missing someone just think to yourself, 'Until we meet again'" He said rubbing his thumb over my hand.

"Until we meet again" I repeated he grinned and walked back over to the boys. In reality I wasn't missing anybody, but the words comforted me.

The boys were bickering back and forth one another as a plan to find Will. After a brief discussion about the upside down they hatched a plan. The problem was I don't want them anywhere near that horrific place.

That place can change you, make you feel a certain way that no one should ever feel. It's like here but cold, dark and filthy. I would not let the boys experience that, El was on the same page as me too.

As of this point, I feel like I owe my life to these boys. They gave me and El shelter, food, water and security. But one thing Dustin gave me that I had never received before, Love. He gave me a sense of direction, friendship and understanding which no one ever did. And I couldn't repay him enough.

Lucas was taking out all this army stuff while Dustin brought out a bag of food. I couldn't help but snicker at the boys's astonishment for him not bringing weapons. To fight off this 'Demogorgan' as they like to call it.

"I bet she can make this fly" Dustin said, picking up a large white circular object and turning his attention to El. She was too busy with the walkie talkie until he called her name. She looked at him closely.

"Hey, concentrate, OK" He said as he held the object out and let it drop to the floor. El just continued to stare at him and then turned to me, giving me a smirk. I giggled under my breath as El was having none of Dustin's imagination.

"OK, one more time" He said picking it up and dropping it again. She once again just stared at him and I felt she embarrassed Dustin enough. I looked over at the green teddy of a character of some sort.

I stared directly in his eyes and watched as it slowly began walking towards me. I could feel the boys's amazement around me as El was unfazed. Seeing it too many times to care. After I let it drop Dustin turned to me.

"That's why you were always my favourite" He said grinning his toothless grin. I felt my cheeks grow hot and I pushed my head down. 

"Dustin stop playing with their powers, they're not dogs" Mike said throwing the white circular object away.

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