Chapter 7: The Bathtub

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The comfort of Mike's home was amazing and I could feel my instant happy mood enlighten a bit more. El and Mike walked into the bathroom as El needed to talk to him but at least I was with Dustin again.

It's still surreal to me that he kissed me but I don't regret it. He made me feel normal and not that my only use for this world was with my mind. He made me feel alive. 

I was playing with the my sunglasses as Dustin just watched me from the other side of the room. Suddenly Lucas's voice begins  booming through the walkie talkie. He seems to be out of breath but continues to shout any way.

"Lucas can you hear me?" Dustin stats back but Lucas continues screaming a sentence that I can't quite make out. I look at Dustin as he runs towards the bathroom door and swings open the door.

"Guys, its's Lucas. I think he's in trouble" Dustin breathes out as they all bust out of the bathroom. El immediately runs over to me and sits on my lap, anticipating was we could do next.

"You remember how he said he was looking for the gate?" Dustin said. My mind immediately panicked. Why would he search there without our help he could be really hurt. My mind wandered to Lucas's safety hoping he was OK.

"What if he found it?" Me and El immediately looked at each other as Dustin messed with the walkie talkie trying to get Lucas back on the line. As Mike grabbed it we heard Lucas's voice ring though.

He was muffled so we couldn't make out what he was saying. Some words sounded out right but they didn't make any sense. They continue to try get Lucas to calm down and tell them what was wrong.

"YEAH I COPY, DO YOU HEAR ME? THEY KNOW ABOUT ELEVEN AND FIFTEEN. THE BAD THEY'RE COMING, THE BAD MEN ARE COMING" Lucas finally got through and I felt my heart stop. My hand tightened on Elevens and I felt my brain thumping against my skull.

I won't go back to the man who made my life a living hell and tried to tell me he was my dad. He will never be me and Elevens father, not after what he done to us. 

"Stay here" Mike said as he and Dustin sprinted upstairs. I began pacing the room and El just watched me with wide eyes.

"We have each other. We're OK. They'll save us." I said to Eleven. She just got up and hugged me tight thinking if she let go they'll take me.

"We have each other" El repeated softly. I knew that no matter what happens I can't leave El. Even if it meant I'd have t leave Dustin. El was my rock of course. I'm not gonna let it break.

I heard shuffling upstairs until Mike and Dustin ran downstairs. Dustin grabbed my hand and his coat and immediately headed for the back door. He picked up his bike with Mike and we ran a bit ahead to get off the hill.

Until I seen him. The man who ruined my life. Who used me for his own indulgent. His grey eyes held lifelessly on me and El as I hopped on the back of Dustin's bike while El did the same with Mike. I stared at him a little longer until Dustin began peddling quickly away.

Dustin was screaming all sorts of stuff to Lucas through an ear piece as my grip tightened around his waist. Every time we turned a corner they're were more Hawkins vans so we began going down back roads.

We finally seen Lucas and stopped for a break when we seen no cars. I then heard the grumble of an engine van and seen them right behind us. Dustin immediately began peddling off again. I looked back to see recognisable faces but only to frown upon them.

We were nearly out when we seen a single van come towards us and Dustin began screaming as we didn't know what to do. And as me and El knew what to do I stared down the driver which made him brake the car and helped El to flip the car over us.

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