Panic! At The High School Chapter 1

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I walked in to the notorious Hillsman High in Nevada, Las Vegas unsure of what I was doing or how things would work out. I took a deep breath and took another step.

I wasn't from around here, and I wasn't sure about starting a new school. I'm from a small town in Colorado, where everybody knows everybody.

I'm here because Hillsman High School is famous for their amazing music program. I love to sing, so for my birthday, my dad got me a spot at this school. It's a dream come true, but I'm still uncertain about meeting new people.

Back to reality now, Claire.

I looked to the right and saw the front office. At least I got that right. I walked to a nice looking lady in maybe her mid forties. Her eyes creased as she gave me a warm smile.

"Hello, sweetie. What can I help you with?" She said.

"I'm Claire Klines -I'm a new student- and I was wondering if I could get somebody to help me around the school." I said quietly, to match the volume of the office.

"Oh! One second!" She spun around in her swivel chair and got up.

"RYANN!" She cheerfully yelled.


I giggled.

What I could only presume was Ryan, came out of the nurses office looking a bit tired. His hair was everywhere. His face was baby-like and had a glow. He looked so fragile. He was overall adorable.

"Yeah?!" He said, scratching his head, increasing volume of his tousled hair.

"This beautiful girl needs you to show her around the school." Said the secretary.

I giggled again as Ryan finally opened his eyes and stared at me.

"Anything for the beautiful girl." Ryan said flirtatiously, as he continued to looked at me.

We both walked out of the office and stopped a few feet away from the door.

"Introduction time! I'm Ryan Ross. You can call me Ry, Ryro, Or -my personal favorite- THE ROSS!" He yelled the last part and made an odd hand motion in the air. I laughed.

He continued.

"I'm here at your service if you need anything. I'm a guitarist in a band with my best buds that you can meet later. Now, your turn madam." He looked right into my eyes as if to say 'Go'.

"Well, I'm Claire Klines. You can call me Claire. I like to sing, but I am not in a band." I said to him.

"Well you sound wonderful, Claire." He said sweetly.

I took a moment to look at his dazzling brown eyes. He smiled when he caught me looking. I quickly changed the subject to avoid embarrassment.

"So.." I started off, but Ryan Interrupted.. "How about that schedule?" He said, and snatched the paper in my hands.

He was scanning the paper carefully like it was a historical document.

"WHAAT? That's great!!" He exclaimed.

"What?" I asked with confusion plastered on my face.

"Let me break down your schedule, Claire." He said.

"Alrighty, Ross." I said, trying not to sound stupid. Too late.

He gave me a silly look before starting off. He looked back at the paper and began talking with great enthusiasm.

"First period, you have Math with Ms. June. She's cool.

Second, you have Phys. Ed with Brendon.

Third, you get the privilege of Science with yours truly."

He winked, and I just rolled my eyes.

"Fourth in lunch with Mr. James. Oooh. Good luck with that one.

Fifth, you have English with Spence.

Sixth is History with Dal.

Oh snap. Seventh, you have all of us for Experimental Music. My favorite."

I was very confused now. Who were these people he was listing?

Before I could say anything, he glanced at the clock and then back at me. Ryan gave me my paper and talked faster than he had before,

"Math is down that hall and to the left. The gym is that huge room there, and I'll see you in that science lab there. Mmkay?"

He was pointing in all directions and I couldn't keep up with his sharp motions.

"Wait who's Brendon, an-" I couldn't get the rest out before the bell rang for us to get to class.

"BYE CLAIRE!" Ryan yelled over the vast sea of high schoolers.

This ought to be fun.

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