Panic! At The High School Chapter 9

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The next day in P.E., Brendon and I were running around the football field. Track try outs were coming up, so this was a way for us to practice, even though half of us didn't even want to be on a team dedicated to... running.

"So.." Brendon began, taking a huffy breath.

"What are we doing in music today?"

"We are finishing off the performances today, I think. Don't you and the guys still have to go?" I asked.

"Shoot. I guess you're right, Claire."

We stopped running and sat down on the metal bleachers, pulling out our hot water bottles.

"Well, I love to hear you guys perform! Practice last night was amazing, by the way."

"Thank you! I'm glad you and Ryan could have a nap too!" Brendon laughed and nudged my arm.


In music the guys ended up playing their song 'Sarah Smiles' when their turn came. I sat with Patrick and tapped on his hand to the beat of Spencer's drumming.

"I really love this song." I said to myself.

"Me too." I heard.

I turned and Patrick's lips collided with my cheek.

"Hey, I think you're cute too, but I was just trying to whisper, Claire."

I giggled and my cheeks were slightly tinted with a forming blush. As if he was trying to deepen the shade of my already pink cheeks, he put his arm around me and leaned his head on mine.

This was so perfect.

When the boys finished, Patrick moved his head and everybody clapped. Ryan hopped off stage like a cute little bunny and stared at Patrick's arm around me.

That brought me back to last night. Ryan kissed me on the cheek.. On purpose.

A few more people performed, finishing off the list of 'Students Who Have Not Performed' list Vic made on the old chalk board.

The rest of the class period, everybody talked. My eyes drifted to Ryan. He was playing some kind of hand slapping game with Dallon. Ry was obviously losing because you could hear him wincing in pain.

When I looked back to Patrick, he was just smiling at me. The bell finally rang, signaling that we could go home after a long week of Math equations and English prompts.

Everybody rushed out of the room, ready to go take a nap or eat a bunch of junk food. It was Friday, after all.

I noticed that Patrick and I were the only ones left in the huge music room. When I was ready to leave, I started walking towards the door, but got stopped by Patrick's hand reaching for my forearm.

"Wait, Claire."


"Can I ask you something?" He blurted out, seeming nervous.

"Sure." I smiled at Patrick.

"Uh- I really like you Claire, and I was wondering if you wanted to... Go.. on a date with me..?" He looked at me and then at his feet.

I took a step closer to him and touched his hand. His eyes shot up and met mine.

"I would love to."

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