Panic! At The High School Chapter 3

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After talking with the principal, I went to my next period.

I felt kind of guilty because I had already promised Ryan and Brendon I'd eat with them, but it's not like you can say no to the principal.

What's next?


Oh yes.

I'm really good at English. I love to write and read literature and most of my English teachers are always really great.

I walked into the room that was surprisingly yellow. I hadn't seen a colored room all day.

I was the only person in the room along with the teacher. He walked up to me and started talking.

"Hey new kid. I'm Mr. Quinn."

"Wait. Is your daughter Copeland?" I said.

"She sure is." He said, flashing a smile.

"How cool." I whispered to myself as I walked to the desk he assigned.

I set my things down as more kids came shuffling in the room giving me curious looks. Finally, the bell rang.

Mr. Quinn started taking roll and a boy burst through the door behind me.

"I'm so sorry I'm late! I was stuck in science cleaning up frogs!" The boy said.

"It's okay, Spencer, but you need to start working on your tardiness." Said Mr. Quinn

"Thank you sir." said the boy. He took a seat across from me.

The class had odd table clumps made of four or five desks all throughout the room. It was different from all of my other classes but it was nice to be able too see everyone's faces, including the flustered boy in front of me. We had a table cluster all to ourselves so it was quiet in our area.

"Get out your journals and write about how required uniforms may effect students in high school. And when you're finished, thank god we don't have 'em." Said Mr. Quinn

I went right to writing in my brand new red journal. I love prompts.

"Do we do these everyday?" I asked the boy.

"Pretty much." He responded, and then went right back to scribbling in his blue composition book.

When he was finished he looked at me for a split second and I snapped out of my trance. I didn't even realize I was staring at his round face.

His head snapped down again and he went back to writing. This boy sure does like prompts too, I guess.

He ripped out a piece of paper and handed it to me.

I grabbed it and looked down.

It read: So who are you new girl?

I wrote back: Claire Klines old boy

He took the piece of paper, read it, and smiled at me.

We passed notes for the remainder of class and I found out his name was Spencer Smith and he loved English almost as much as me, even though he said he liked it more. It was arguable. Then, the bell rang.

I sighed and got my stuff.

"Bye Spencer." I said as he rushed to get his things together.

"CAN'T BE LATE TO ANOTHER CLASS CLAIRE!!" he said as he sprinted out the door and into the hall.

I laughed and headed to World History.

When I got there, a boy was turning in papers to the teacher and said,

"Here's the extra credit, ma'am."

"Thank you Dallon." she said in return.

I got seated and that boy stood at the front of the class silently.

I took a seat near the front of the room and could see the boy clearly.

The teacher started talking.

"Dallon here is going to teach class today. You need to show him respect as he will do the same."

He started to speak about slavery and I started to listen less to his words and more to his tone. His voice was steady and calm.

I listened to his sound for the rest of the class until the bell sounded and woke me from my almost sleep.

I left the room not knowing anything more about slaves than I did before.

I heard heavy footsteps behind me and turned to see the same boy who taught the class.

"You didn't take notes." He said.

"I didn't kn-" he cut me off.

"Borrow mine, Claire." he said and handed me a beat up green spiral with 'Dallon Weekes' scribbles across the top.

"How do you know my name, Dallon." I said curiously.

"I could ask you the same thing, but I won't. I pick up on things. I saw you throughout the day and apparently you were flirting with Bren." He said smoothly.

I was speechless but quickly recovered.

"I was not flirting. And what's it to you?" I said. It was a little harsh but I couldn't take it back now.

"Well he's my best friend and you're the new girl. It's an interesting topic, I think. "

His words mesmerized me. He was the kind of person I could listen to for hours.

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