Panic! At The High School Chapter 4

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Next was Experimental Music with Ryan and some other people he'd been meaning for me to meet.

I walked to where Ryan had told me after third period. He was my GPS for the time being.

I walked into the music room and chatted with Mr. Fuentes, the music teacher, and also good friends with Mr. Quinn and Copeland.

We were talking about bands until I heard,

"Claire Bear!!"

I didn't even have to turn around to know it was Ryan. His laugh had become familiar, considering he was constantly giggling around me.

It's crazy. I had only known him A DAY!

We sat near each other with the various chairs and stools laying just about everywhere.

"Vic doesn't believe in actual desks." Said Ryan.

"Vic?" I questioned, giving Ryan a confused look.

"Mr. Fuentes lets everybody call him Vic. He's really laid back and happens to dislike orderly seating."

I chuckled and suddenly, the brown eyes I had seen in P.E. caught mine.

"Hello there Ms. Klines." He said warmly.

Ryan turned to Brendon and said,

"How do you know my Claire Bear?"

"Well, I didn't know you had a bear, but I have a Claire as my P.E. partner." Brendon joked.

"Yeah, bu-" Ryan started.

"Hey Claire! What are you doing here?" Spencer said, as he rushed to put his things up and grab some drum sticks before the bell rang.

"Wait, you know her too?" Ryan asked, seeming annoyed.

"I'm here! Thank Go- Oh hey there Claire Klines. I haven't seen you in at least six and a half minutes." Dallon said.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Ryan yelled.

The three guys erupted with laughter. I was going to laugh until I caught sight of a boy with slightly red hair.

He was wearing a baby blue v-neck and a burgundy cardigan. Three other guys followed behind as he walked to his 'seat.'

He looked at me, smiled, and winked.

I looked away, embarrassed because I was blushing a bit.

When I looked back, the boy was with his friends on the opposite side of the room.

I directed my attention back to the boys.

"Okay. Claire. The plan was to wait and introduce you to the band, but their eager little bodies just couldn't wait. Whatever." Ryan rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'm not letting them ruin my plans. MOOWHAHAHAH! I'll introduce you anyways.. so there."

"That's Ryan."

He pointed to Dallon.

"There's Spencer."

He pointed to Brendon.

"Let's not forget Dallon."

He pointed to Spencer.

"And of course, I'm Patrick Stump."

I was laughing and all until I heard the last name. I have no clue who that is.

Suddenly, I saw the boy from earlier walk over with his red hair swaying with every step he took closer to our group.

"I heard my name." Said the boy, expecting an explanation.

"Were were playing around, Pat." Brendon chimed in.

Patrick laughed and looked over to me. His eyes widened as if he didn't know I was sitting in front of him.

"Oh! I've been meaning to introduce myself all day long! I saw you in the hallways. I am, the real, Patrick."

He said with a cute little grin.

"I'm, the real, Claire. Claire Klines." I said as cooly as I could.

"It's lovely to meet you Claire." He said, and politely excused himself.

"Whoah. Somebody likes Claire." Spencer said as Patrick walked away.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's get to work." Ryan said, sort of ticked off.

We spent the rest of the time talking about their band, called Panic! At The Disco. It was an odd name but I was really excited to hear them some time.

"You should come to one of our practices." Brendon said sheepishly.

"That sounds great!" I nearly shouted. I couldn't wait to hear them.

Once the final bell rang, I went out the door with the guys and we all parted ways in the parking lot.

Today was so much fun. I can't believe I have friends, and it's only Monday.

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