Panic! At The High School Chapter 11

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"Seriously Patrick, where are we going?" I asked, giddy with excitement.

I was blindfolded and now stepping out of the car. I felt Patrick take my hand so I could walk with a bit more confidence.

"Just wait." He taunted. I didn't have to see him to visualize his adorable smile.

I heard light music and smelled some kind of food that made me really hungry.

"Mmm. It smells amazing." I whispered.

"Take a little step." He cooed.

We walked further until my leg bumped into a thin piece of metal.

"Oops. Okay. Sit." Patrick said.

I felt Patrick's hands on the back of my head untying the bandana. Finally! When the cloth was removed, I was speechless.

I was sitting in an outdoor patio surrounded with beautiful lights. The sun was resigning and the sky was turning a dark shade of blueish black. The soft music was coming from a group of guys playing an assortment of different instruments.

"It's beautiful." Was all I could say.

"I wanted it to be as special as you." He said.

A man came to our table and set down covered dishes. He gave us warm smiles and walked off.

"Thanks Freddy." He yelled after.

"No problem Patrick!" The tall man responded.

"So you know people here?" I asked.

"This is my favorite place! I come here way too often for them not to know me!" He chuckled.

For the next hour we laughed over amazing food and great music.

Our roaring laughter got interrupted when Freddy came to take away our plates.

"Thank you." I said, still smiling from Patrick's last joke.

Suddenly it got quiet. Patrick reached across the table to clasp both of my hands in his.

"Claire." He looked deeply into my eyes. His were sparkling and bright.

"Will you be my girlfriend? I think you're amazing and talented, and beautiful. I like you a lot and I want you to be mine." He said.

My heart melted in my chest. How could I say no?

"Of course, Patrick."

He smiled ear to ear.

"One more thing."


"Will you be a member of Fall Out Boy?" He asked, laughing.

"It wouldn't be Fall Out Boy anymore." I giggled.

He was chuckling more now.

"I was thinking the same thing!"

"It's okay. Keep the name. I'm in." I said, playfully.

He stood up and pulled me to the center of the patio. The music picked up and he placed his hand on the small of my back and lightly touch my shoulder with his other.

We danced around to the soft music, smiling at each other.

"Claire, you're beautiful." He said softly.

I stopped my feet and so did Patrick.

"Is something wrong?" Patrick asked.

"Absolutely nothing is wrong."

He put his arms around my waist and I hung mine around his neck. We just stared at each other for a while until I noticed both of us leaning in. I closed my eyes and savored the taste of his lips. They were sweet, just like Patrick.

Brendon's POV:

All I could think about was Claire kissing Patrick. I mean it was inevitable. He was obviously very manipulative and could get whatever he wanted.

I can't just sit here and let this happen. I have to do something.

I called Ryan.

"Hey." There was a groggy Ryan on the other end of the phone after only two rings.

"I need to tell you something really important. Wake up." I said harshly.

"Why?" He whined.

"Because it has to do with Claire." I shouted.

The line was suddenly quiet. A more alert Ryan came back on the phone.

"I'm listening."

I told him everything.


Ryan's POV:

How stupid was I to not think Patrick wanted something from her. I see the way he smirks when he catches me watching the two of them flirt in music class. He doesn't think I do, but I do.

He takes my Claire and then thinks he can just use her for her voice. I bet he's already kissed her. Her plump, pink, beautiful lips on his. It's wrong.

I'm going to stop this.

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