Chapter 1

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"So..." He asked resting his hand on the steering wheel. I rested the cigarette in between my fingers leaning my head back. I closed my eyes questioning him.

"So what?" I asked breathing in the tobacco once more.

"So when are you going to leave?" He asked urgently. I peeked my eye open raising an eyebrow at him. I took the cigarette out of my mouth resting my hand on my knee again tired of repeating this motion.

"I told you, I would leave when I was ready. Don't rush me." I growled.

"I swear, you're like a kid. I thought you hated your family." He scoffed.

"I'm not a kid!" I was becoming very annoyed with him right now.

"You're 17." He laughed.

"So what, you still want me."

"Hell yeah I do." He leaned over grabbing the sides of my face smashing his lips on mine. I furrowed my eyes together pushing him away. "Hey-"

"I'm not in the mood Caleb." I groaned opening the car door.

"Wait, Becca." He called. I caught the door before it closed. "I'll call you... You better answer." I nodded shutting the door. I threw my bag over my shoulder walking in front of the car. "Hey!" I chuckled annoyed turning around on my heel. "Where are you going?"

"Home." I said walking again.

"I know you're lying!" He called. I sighed and continued walking towards my destination... the local service station. My sleek white iPhone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out of my pocket reading my mom's name and I frowned sliding the green arrow across.

"Hello?" I asked shoving my free hand in my back pocket.

"Rebecca? When are you coming home? It's 11:00 pm." She said concerned. I sighed spotting the gas station at the end of the street.

"I'm at Kelsey's house. I forgot to tell you I was spending the night. I'll see you in the morning." I said hearing a long pause.

"You need to come home." She said sternly.

"Mom, please let me stay, I promise I'll be home early. 10:00 am, I promise." I assured watching my breath visible in the cold night.

"... Okay, fine. 10:00 sharp. I'm serious." She said.

"Thanks mom, I'll call you in the morning."

"I love you." She said happily, her mood suddenly changing.

"You too." I said hanging up the phone slipping it in my back pocket. I stepped onto the concrete the service station sat on, slowing down my pace. I was hoping I could grab a lighter from someone that walks in. I stood by the door out of the way and out of the light. I stood here for about ten minutes not seeing one person even drive up to the service station. I groaned sliding down the wall sitting on the cold ground. I rested my head on my knees. I spotted a woman that looked about mid 30's walking towards the door. I stood up furrowing my eyebrows a little.

"Ma'am," I called. She stopped halfway inside the door. "Do you happen to have a lighter?" I asked hopefully. She shook her head and continued to walk into the store. I sighed leaning back up against the wall. I pulled out my phone and texted Kelsey and let her know that if my mom asks, I'm at her house. I've done this plenty of times, Kelsey doesn't care. She's my best friend and knows everything about me. Just like most all best friends.

I looked and saw a guy probably about 20, give or take a few, walking towards the store. I stood up straight, squinting to try and see him better. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt with black skinny jeans.

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