Chapter 9

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Walking out of the service station took a lot of thinking. I could see the smoke blowing in front of the door so I knew Harry was standing there smoking. I decided against asking for a back way out knowing there probably wasn't one considering how small and run down this place was. I decided I would just walk as fast as I could and not make any verbal contact or any eye contact with Harry at all. I pulled a cigarette from the fresh paper box and shoved the rest of the pack in my back pocket. I stuck the cigarette in between my teeth heading towards the door. Once I got outside I could feel Harry's gaze on my back. I took a deep breath once I reached my car I quickly cupped my hands around the cigarette lighting it.

"Is Luke meeting you at home to finish what I interrupted?" Harry's smart ass remark flowed effortlessly through his lips; his cigarette hanging out of the side. I clenched my jaw holding the cigarette in between my pointer finger and my middle finger.

"Fuck off." I groaned opening my car door.

"I want to talk to you." He said. I rolled my eyes letting out a dry chuckle. He pushed himself off the wall walking slowly towards the front of my car.

"That's not what you said a week ago Mr. Styles." I raised an eyebrow at him. He smirked standing square in front of my car.

"Well Miss. Winters, a week ago is not today." I didn't have any smart remark to say to this so I just stood there glaring at the smirk playing on the ends of his lips and the cigarette hanging limply out of the other side. He picked up his right hand slowly using his pointer finger to motion me towards him. I shook my head slamming the car door shut. I walked indolently over towards him.

"I have to be home by 11:00 so make this quick." I mumbled laying my cigarette back in between my lips taking a deal. My back pressed against the cool brick wall. Harry turned around blowing out a puff of smoke.

"you have 45 minutes." He spoke dully. I didn't say anything. I just stood there glaring at the ground in front of me. He sighs, leaning beside me and took another drag, letting the smoke roll over this tongue as he starts to speak.

"Have you talked to your boyfriend?" He asks. I was actually really surprised that he asked this. I raised an eyebrow at him and scoffed.

"Caleb? I haven't seen him since..." I stopped clenching my jaw.

"Since he hit you." He stated. It wasn't even a question; he said it like he knew what I was going to say, even though it was.

"Since I last saw him." I corrected and I heard him chuckled. "I'm going to see him tomorrow probably." I looked down blowing another puff of smoke.

"I'm coming." He spoke nonchalantly. I blinked twice trying to process this. I looked up at Harry like he was crazy. He turned his head towards me and raised his eyebrows ever so slightly like he knew what he was getting into. I scoffed pushing myself off the wall turning to face him.

"No." I laugh dryly. He mimicked my actions pushing himself off the wall and standing in front of me. He looked down at me with the same stupid ass face.

"Yes I am Becca. Do you remember what I said?" My face dropped into a frown. I furrowed my eyebrows together not remembering. He smirks reaching his hand up to the side of my face where Caleb hit me. It started to heal. The bruise is gone and the burn scabbed over. He brushed his finger over it but this time it didn't hurt. He cupped the side of my face pressing his body against mine softly. "I want you to be there when I beat the shit out of your boyfriend." Shock fled through my body as he stepped back off of my body breathing in the tobacco once more. I took a deep breath shaking my head.

"Okay," I say over a dry chuckle. I pretend like I don't believe him but I know he'll keep his word.

He held his finger up to his lips softly. "How could someone do this to you?" His eyes flickered back down to my jaw and I bit my lip.

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