Chapter 5: Kick Off

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Mia's POV

"Oh what. When did you get here?" I asked Brie. "Didn't think football was your scene."

"It's not. But I figured, it's my senior year, it's homecoming night. Might as well."

"Okay..." I looked at her suspiciously.

That can't be the reason. There's probably a more complex reason as to why she all of a sudden decided to come. Then I heard her whisper, "come on, Jack."

Girl, you was just bashing on him the other day. Telling me to stay away from him. Now you chillin on the sidelines rooting him on? The fuck? But that's none my business.

"Did you just...?" I asked.

"Oh... uh..."

"Brianna. What's going on? One minute you're warning me about him, then all of a sudden you're cheering him on?"

"We've just made amends and have been talking lately. Kinda forced to because our teacher paired us up." she laughed awkwardly.

"Why does this school have a thing for partners? Oh my god."

"Things escalated."

"Brie." I sighed. "I'm not gonna talk about this right now. Not gonna deal with this right now. It's suppose to be a good night. Coming to support my boys and afterwards I'm gonna go get some food with Ethan."

The buzzer went off and we won. 41-14. We dragged the other team.

I ran on field and into Ethan's arms. He spun me around.

"Congrats!!" I laughed.

"Do I not get a hug?" Grayson asked with sass in his tone.

"Come here." I opened my arms.

"Sloppy seconds." he shook his head and hugged me. I laughed and took a few pictures with the two of them. I wanna remember small moments like these.

"You ready to head out?" Ethan asked.

"Yes. Yes I am." I smiled.

"We'll be back a little later." He told his family.

"Make good choices." Grayson yelled. I rolled my eyes.

Ethan's POV

"So where are we going?" she asked.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Ethan. I just moved here. How am I suppose to know where to go?"

"I forgot about that. Let's get some food. What are you in the mood for?"

"Burgers sound good right now. Or just some fries or something."

"Have you ever had the Habit?"

"No. But I heard it's good."

"It's amazing. That's where we're going."

"Better not let me down, Dolan." she laughed.

"So, tell me about yourself." I said.

"Well, I'm an only child. I like bows and arrows a lot. I don't like feeling weak. I hate that feeling so much. It's the worst."

"Bows and arrows huh?"

"My dad owns a lot of weapons. I've taught myself how to use a few."

"Remind me to never mess with you. Like ever." I said and she laughed.

"What about you?"

"Well, I'm older than Grayson by 20 minutes. We won a wrestling tournament that happened at MSG. Doctors apparently don't know if we're fraternal or identical twins. My middle name is Grant. My favorite number is eight, hence my jersey number. My favorite animal is a wombat or a cactus. Depends on my mood. My birthday's on December 16th. Uhhh..."

"Cacti aren't– never mind. My favorite color is blue. My favorite number is two. My favorite animal is a cow. My birthday's on April 29th."

"Nice." I parked the car. "Let's get our food now."

"I'm paying for my own food by the way." she said.

"No. I'm paying for your food."

"I can't let you do that."

"Too bad. I'm going to."

"I feel bad."

"Don't." I smiled. "You can pay the next time we go out."


I smiled.

"What?" she gave me a confused look.

"You said 'deal' to paying next time."

"Okay and...??"

"That means there will be a next time. That this isn't just a one time thing."

She smiled, "you're such a loser."

After we ate, I asked what we were going to do. Because I think neither one of us wanted to go home yet.

"Let's go bowling."

"It's almost 10."

"Then let's go on an adventure. To who knows where."


We ended up driving around until almost 1am.

"This was fun." she said.


"I'll see you on Monday, Dolan."

"See you Monday."

"Until then."

She looked at my lips then up to my eyes again. I leaned over the arm rest and she pecked me. She shut the car door and went into her house.

Once I got home, I was bombarded with questions from Grayson. I'm surprised he's still awake.

"It's almost 1am. Where have you been?"


"With Mia?"


"Don't let her ruin you the same way Meredith did."

"Mia's different. I don't think she'd do that. I don't think she'd go behind my back and fuck around with other guys. I don't think she'd spread rumors. She's nothing like Meredith."

"Bottom line is, be careful."

"Once I heard her voice in the locker room, something inside me just clicked and I snapped out of it. I turned human again. Eyes stopped glowing, no more claws or fangs."

"Interesting." Grayson rubbed his chin.

"I just met her, I don't wanna push her into getting into a relationship. Plus she even said she's not looking for anything serious at the moment. If my memory serves me right."

"Yeah, don't rush into anything. I'm going to sleep now. I thought there was going to be more tea, but there isn't. Are you gonna ask her to homecoming?"

"I'm not even sure if I still wanna go."

"Dude. It's our senior year. Plus they're planning to put on a show for just the homecoming court. Apparently they want us to work together and work on a dance with a song to perform for the crowd. Who's gonna dance with your court partner if you don't go?"

"True... I'll think about it."

"Aight, gnite bro." he began walking upstairs.

"Night." I replied.

Mia: sweet dreams ✨

Me: don't let the bed bugs bite 😌

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