A Rogue's Vampire

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I could feel myself changing. Not the normal change that every typical teenage girl goes through, but something different, something I had only read about in books or seen in movies. Through the days and weeks of changing I would become faster than the girls on the track team, I could hear things that I never used to be able to hear, see things to a greater distance than ever before. During this time I read and read stuffing my head with the knowledge about this life I would now hold.

My parents never told me anything about this, but over time I grew to keep this a secret hoping they would never find out. I was a freak to society. A frowned upon legend that no-one could really know about. A second side that was a monster to everyone's eyes.

It wasn't till the very end of the change that the voice came into my head. At first I thought I was going mad, but this voice soon became part of me. Then one day it vanished, leaving me to fight this new life by myself.

The years have passed now and I have learnt to control this new side to me. However something new is going to change and it won't just be me who is effected, but deep in my bones I feel like it is only me who can control how the fates are really set out.

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