Chapter 9: Not so normal school life

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I'm sure it was like the whole school went silent, as Olly and I made our way too class. Their eyes drawn to where our hands were locked together. To be honest, even though, my wild wolf nature told be it felt wrong, the other side said it was all right: and I was going to go with that side. Even just holding hands felt completely perfect. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all?

"Olly, everyone's staring," I mumbled so he was the only one who could hear it, "I don't like it." I gripped his hand trying not to freak out. I really didn't like being in the spot light.

"It's okay, I'm here with you," wrapping his arm around my waist, trying to comfort me. And I could oblige because it felt so right.

We had nearly made it to the classroom, when Ellie, Holly and their little posse blocked our path. The smirks on their faces directed right at me.

"Sophie, it's been too long," Holly sneered, reaching out to hug me. I shoved her off. I wasn't one to forgive so easily. She frown, not looking pleased I had just turned down a member of the most feared group at out school.

You know every school has their groups: the 'jocks', the 'geeks', the 'loners, the 'populars', and so it goes on. Well our school was no different, and Ellie ran this school. Everyone was wrapped around her little finger, well apart from those few.

Breath in breath out, I had to concentrate on my breathing or the whole wolf thing would be out. I have seem to be doing this a lot lately.

Maybe you should take up meditating, Lucia's voice came through.

"Lucia, I don't think it's the time to be joking," I said sternly in my head.

I looked back at Ellie and Holly, clenching my fists.

"If you don't mind us girls, we would like to come through," Olly came to the rescue.

"Of course handsome, if you leave little Sophie with us," Ellie purred. I nearly gagged at the sound. Deep down inside me, I could feel the erg to kill her, just for talking like that to my mate. Did I really just think like that, 'mate', it sounded so foreign. Olly's hand gripped tighter round mine.

"I'm sorry girls I don't think that will be possible," Olly was trying to stay calm, but those girls just weren't having it.

"Your wrong handsome, we always get our way," a sneer leaked into Ellie's voice, "And I want you with me, and that thing gone," saying the last part while pointing at me. My blood was pounding in my ears. Red dots were appearing before my eyes. Holly's hand curled around my wrist. Her blood red nails digging into my delicate skin.

"Come on Sophie, lets catch up."

My eyes darted for any kind of way to escape. Holly kept on tugging on my arm, pulling me away from Olly. I was like a mouse tapped in a corner with no where to go. Everyone's voices started to merge into one. Their words no making any sense.

"STOP!" Suddenly I shoved Holly away from where she gripped onto my arm. She flew across the hall way and hit the wall on the other side. Silence filled the halls. Everyone just started. Ellie was the first to run over to her. The panicked look on her face told it all.

"Someone get matron, she's unconscious."

Had I really just gone that. I looked at my hands. Expecting to see something on them, like blood in Macbeth. But nothing. I was scared to be frankly honest. I have never been this powerful before. It was like she was a doll and I had just thrown her way, like an old rag. What was I meant to do? Her friends were glaring at me. The rest of the student body were looking at me either scared or like I was a freak. Then when the teaches came out the just looked at me in a repulsive manner, like I was some trash left on the street with out a care.

I didn't ask for this, I just wanted to be a normal teenage girl, living a normal teenage life, with friends and maybe just maybe a boyfriend. But that was never going to happen to me. Maybe I really was just that freak they all thought I was.

"Sophie, Sophie," Olly's voice finally made it through all the nonsense that was going through my head. I looked up to him, meeting his ice blue eyes.

"I think I need some fresh air," barley a whisper came out.

"Sure thing, come on," he said pulling my arm gently getting me to walk out the doors we had only walked in just those few seconds ago.

Outside I let the cooling breeze calm me down. Letting the sounds of the birds and any other wildlife overcome the sounds of people inside.

"You sure your okay?" Olly's concerned face was like a book, I didn't need the words to know that he was worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I half lied.

"Sophie, I know your lying, so just come out with it," turning me to face him, he looked into my eyes searching for an answer. I turned away before he could read me, they say people can read your soul through your eyes.

"Olly, to tell you the truth, I'm scared. I have no idea what happened in there, and had no control over what happened. It was like it wasn't me. I have never been that powerful. And I've always been able to keep my temper in check. So I'm freaking out about what happened in there." I let the steam go. Who knew that telling someone really does take some of the weight off your shoulders.

Olly didn't say a thing just pulled me into a hug, and we just stood there, enveloped in each others warmth.

After some time Olly came out, "It's going to be okay, okay?" stroking my hair, he carried on hugging me.

"Come on let's take you home, school won't miss us too much," he said with a wink, and picked me up bridle-style. I yawned, energy zapped from me because of the amount of power I had used when I shoved Holly by mistake. I cuddled in closer to Olly's chest. Waiting for sleep to take over, so my body and mind could rest.

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