Chapter 2: Clash of the vampires and wolf

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My eyes nearly popped out my head, I didn't dare blink. This was a rogues worst nightmare. I had planned to keep this my secret till I could find at least one person to trust. I really was a lone wolf.



"Sophie?" I heard some of the vampires call, trying to being me back but I couldn't stop now. My wolf was going to make an appearance. I had to find some way out, I didn't want to hurt anyone. My senses all went on high alert, the wolf part of me taking control. I made a dash for the door, but Eddy got there before me. I could feel my bones straining to change form but I forced it back.

"Please let me out" I begged, knowing I couldn't hold my wolf in much longer.

"Sophie just sit down it fine" Ebonnie said, but I couldn't, my wolf wouldn't let me.

Unlike other wolf shifters I couldn't communicate with my wolf, she has stayed hidden all my life and only comes out when she feels like it is her turn to take charge. Luckily I have learnt how to control her and keep her hidden away.

"I can't.... please let me out...she'll come out other wise" I strained to say, I was losing control and Olly could see it.

"Sophie.....Sophie" Olly said placing his hands on my shoulders. A warmth spread through my body calming my wolf almost instantly. I didn't like knowing a vampire could have so much control over how I was feeling.

"Come on sit with me" Olly said leading me towards the leather plush sofas. I sunk into them, leaning into Olly. His coldness cooling me down stopping me from over heating. The other vampire sat on the other sofas as there was only space for two on this seat. Ebonnie was sat on one sofa, Josh on the floor in front of her with Ebonnie playing with his hair. Jordan was sat with Eddy looking like they really wanted to show their love for each other but there was too many people in the room, and Georgia was sat snuggling up to Max, both in their own world.

I felt the awkward silence fall over us as we all sat there, trapping me under a blanket and the air I so badly needed after the situation we had just had.

Then Ebonnie broke the silence "So....Sophie how long have you been watching us?" everyone looked at her sending warning glances around to each other. I could sense it they didn't trust me one bit. Really, I didn't blame them, who would trust a girl who fell out a tree in your back garden?

I looked down at my hands like they were the most interesting thing in this room, though really there was much more interesting things. Like the cute guy who was sat within arms width from me.

Stop it Sophie, it's not the time. I said to myself in my head.

"You really wouldn't want to no," I mumbled knowing full well they would be able to hear me. I glared up analysing the situation I was in and as you could guess, it wasn't good. The silence fell again coating the room in a blanket that would soon suffocate me.

"That's enough!" Eddy suddenly spoke getting up from where he sat.

"You little dog," walking closer to me, his eyes turning red. "You should be no-where near our land, and of what I know, this town is ours." I clenched my fists trying to release some of the anger that was building up inside my veins. I suddenly stood up coming face to face with the vampire

"Well so..rry bloodsucker," it came out sarcastically, "but guess what, I was here first. I might be the only wolf in my family but I bet long ago this was a wolf town. My wolf town" I was on a roll, I couldn't stop. "So if you don't mind leeches I was only spying because you were on my turf. What do you expect, have you even got noses? I could smell you when you stepped foot in this town. So if I was you go back to the shadows where you belong, your type is not wanted in this world." I stopped letting the words float around the room. I was kind of shocked with myself for saying all those things. I was never that rude. I suddenly felt bad, most vampires don't get a choice if they are turned. But the damage has been done. If only it had worked. All eyes in the room turned red. I was in for it now.

"How dare you say that to us," they all said in unison, "You have no right to DOG. We might as well kill you now." I gasped I had really gone too far this time, why did I have to open my big mouth.

I fell back onto the sofa behind me. Next to me sat a disappointed Olly. Even though I said they all said "How dare you" it was not Olly or Jordan, they were both still sat down just staring at me. I gulped knowing there was no chance out of this now, I was in for it.

"STOP!" Jordan suddenly blurted out "Your scaring her". She looked at me with sorrow, a look I muchly despised. My shield nearly broke, I couldn't let her in.

" can not say those things to a vampire. We still have feeling," she said in a soothing voice like I was a little child. I battled between myself, I couldn't let down now but if I didn't I was asking for a death wish.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, knowing they could hear me, "Its just....its just no-one knows who I really am, and you just scared me," a softness came to everyone's faces apart from Eddy.

"That still gives yo..." "how come?" Eddy tries to say but Georgia buts in. "Its not a story I want to share."

Trust was not something that came easy to me. Everyone looked at each other, like they were communicate just in their heads, but that wasn't possible only pack wolves could do that.

"Guys it's okay, just leave it for now, and let Sophie go home, " Olly said putting his arm round my shoulders. I knew this shouldn't feel as reassuring as it was, but something deep, way way deep, told me it was right and only right for me.

I walked round the trees, keeping my eye on Olly who had said he would walk me home.

"You know you don't need to walk me home," I said jumping over a log, landing lightly on my feet.

"You might feel like that, but there's more to this world that you know," he replied calmly. I stopped looking at him, tilting my head slightly to the left, kind of like a dog would do, trying to figure out what he was talking about.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to figure it out.

"Nothing you need to worry about," I leaped at him, making us fall to the ground, me landing on top.

"Come on you can tell me," I said blushing at the awkwardness of the situation, and my sudden out burst of confidence around this vampire. I tried to get back up, but Olly rolled me over so he was looking into my eyes.

"I can't tell you too much, but someone very dangerous is after us and I don't want you to get caught up in it," he whispered into my ear. He got back up dropping his hand down to help me up. I took his hand trying to knock off the tingle that ran up my arm as our hands linked. I wasn't quite sure if he felt it, but I dropped his hand quickly before he could guess. We carried on in silence, letting the sounds of the night fill the open space. Nearing the end of the woods near my house Olly stopped,

"I shouldn't go any further," he said stepping back out of the moon light that now lit the space of my back yard.

"Okay," I said turning around to wave goodbye.

"Be safe Sophie, don't go looking for something that wasn't meant for you. Your destiny is here, don't go looking for things that would change the fates design," he quoted, the deepness of his words hung in the air. He disappeared into the night.

"Sorry Olly, but I make my own destiny," I said mostly to myself walking into my house, where the kitchen lights were still on.

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