Chapter 4: School and a Mystery

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I walked through the rusting, blue paint peeling, school gates, feeling a shift in the already foggy atmosphere for some unknown reason. The wind whispered passed my ears, telling me a secret I still needed to understand. I went to my usual spot under the willow tree, waiting for the bell to ring. I didn't have anyone to hang around with, everyone saw me as the weird kid.

I did have friends at one point but that all changed in year 3 when Ellie joined the school; her blonde hair and blue eyes drew everyone in. She was the kind of girl to have all the friends and if she didn't like somebody, no-body liked that person. As you guessed that person was me. I had never done anything to her, she just hated me the moment we met. I lost all of the few friends I had, and they all turned into her little minions, it was even worse when my ex-best friend became her best friend. For some reason I could never forgive Holly for that. However when the Clarke's came to town even though Ellie disliked them because they wouldn't be her friend, everyone still liked them. I think the fates were against me, yet again.

I turned the page in my book, still waiting under the willow tree for the bell to ring, when then green drooping leaves in front on me moved apart. I looked up, not expecting Olly to walk in with the rest of the Clarke's, minus Georgia and Max.

"Olly its okay she's alive," Josh half-joked, while clinging Ebonnie to his side. I got up confused,

"Where's Georgia and Max?" they're never normally separate, and always go around in their group. They all looked at each other, looking like they were hiding a secret.

"Come on guys you can tell me, who will really listen to me if I did try and tell," They looked at me warily.

"Georgia and Max disappeared sometime during the night, they went out to feed and never came back," Ebonnie stated. I gasped, it can't be, can it. My dream can't of come true. I sat back down, knowing that the bad thing I felt was going to happen was already set in motion, and I had no way of stopping it.

"Sophie what it it?" Jordan asked looking slightly panicked by this turn of events.

"Just-just I think I might actually have something to do with this,"

"What?" Eddy nearly shouted but Jordan held him back.

"Just this seems so much like a dream I have been having for the last couple of weeks," I sighed, the dreams had really been nightmares, keeping me up and haunting my every move.

"What's the dream about?" Olly asked coming to sit next to me, as I leaned back against the tree closing my eyes. Breath in breath out breath in breath out, I calmed myself.

"Its been the same every night. All you guys where there and slowly you would disappear, till only one red eyed vampire was left circling me, he wasn't one of you guys though. Do you think you know who he is?" Again they looked around at each other, looking like they were still keeping something key from me.

Suddenly the bell rang, "We better go," Eddy said dully, showing no emotion what so ever. As we walked into the school Olly leaned into my ear,

"Sophie please don't go looking into this too much, it was just a dream," I nodded knowing all to well that the dream meant more than they were letting on, and that I was going to find out what was going on. This involved me now, no matter what they said, and I was going to get to the bottom of what this dream really meant.

The school day felt like it dragged on forever. By lunch time I was edging to get moving and look into the strange happenings. But still I could not look. I could feel the vampires watching my every move. When the final bell rang, ending the school day I legged it out of the school gates and ran straight to the library, that was half was between my house and the school, to search up about the dream I had been having every night.

The doors opened as I neared the entrance, letting me run right in. I skidded to a stop in front of the reception desk.

"What can I help you with?" the receptionist asked, catching my breath I said "legends," I pretty much gasped. She pointed in the direction to the part of the library that had an inch thick of dust that no one ever stepped near. I thanked her, leaving her behind with a mixture of questioning and worried look on her face.

The dust tickled my nose, causing me to sneeze, which rang around the books that lined the shelves that seemed to carry on into the un-lit unknown. My eyes travelled passed many book looking for one that might have a name to do something with my dream. Book after book was either on shape-shifters or the moon goddess, but none on vampires. Why wasn't there any on vampires? I knew that once this was a shifter town but that didn't stop there being any vampire books. Sure they weren't the best of friends but wouldn't you want to know your enemy. The light around me started to fade as I made my way further through the books.

Book after book after book. Shifters, secrets, surprising events, but still no vampires. After what felt like eons and eons my hand brushed against a book that sent a tormenting shiver down my spine. I slowly pulled the book from where it was wedged in between other books. Dust blew up in my face making me cough. The book was a leather hard back with an old fashion lock keeping me from its secrets.

PUT IT BACK, a voice said in my heard. "Arrgghh, what was that," I looked around to see where the voice came from.

I'm in your head silly, it said again. "Who are you," I couldn't work out where it was coming from.

Sophie I'm your wolf, Lucia. "Huh? What? But how?" I was so confused.

I'm so sorry I have not been here for you, but I had been cursed by the vampire in your dreams to never speak once. It has only been through your determination to reach me that you have broken this curse. Lucia told me. Things were slowly making sense.

Yes they are, and soon you will know more, it has been written in the stars. She explained. I do not follow the stars, I have my own destiny that I will make. I told her stating the truth.

Never mind the fates are set, so it will be. Anyway you need to get back we need to find out more about this book and the dream. I looked back at the book, "So you changed your mind about it?"

Yes so what, I feel what you feel so you no why. There was something about this book that just drew me in, like a magnet of truth willing me to find out what was going on.

I made my way back through the rows and rows of books that held no use at the moment in time.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" the receptionist asked. I nodded holding out the book for her to sign out under my name. With the book in her hands she turned it over and over again.

"Sweetie where did you get this? It doesn't look like one of our book,"

"At the back, with all the other legend books," I said starting to get worried I wouldn't be able to get the book.

"Well it doesn't look like any I've ever seen..." She said looking closely through her glasses at the book I was edging to have back in my hands.

"Please, please can I have it," I asked trying to keeping the wanting out of my voice.

"Ummm sweetie I don't no, this might belong to someone",

"Please I really need it,"

"How do you know sweetie, its got a lock and doesn't have a title," I was going to start panicking if this kept going I really wasn't a people person, I had to come up with something.

"Please...It looks just like a book my mum told me about that a relative wrote centuries ago," I had no idea if that was even true but it was the first thing I could think of.

"Well then sweetie I guess you can have it, I haven't seen anyone with it so I guess they don't want it-,"

"Thank you, thank you, your the best," I said taking the book back and skipping out the doors that opened again to let me through.

Well done Sophie, that was quick thinking. I sighed. But you might want to be quick getting home, your mum and dad are waiting and I think they want to have a talk with you.

"Oh no, I forgot about that, it really wasn't a dream. Well we better get this over with," I said to my wolf in my head as I picked up the pace and started the jog home.

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