Chapter 5: Something to the book

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I got to the front door refreshed and ready for anything. Wiping my feet on the door mat I shouted "I'm home". The smell of cooking lasagna filled my nose, indicating that dinner was going to be ready any time soon. "Munchkin.." my older brother called, holding out his arms so I could hug him. I hadn't seen him in months as he had been at university studying the science of endangered animals. "Jake I've missed you so much," I hugged him as if this was the last time I was going to see him, "But why are you here? I thought you weren't coming back till Christmas?" I questioned. He looked around, looking like he was also hiding something. I let go of our hug, "Not you as well," I said disappointed, "Keeping things from me, I'm getting sick of it," I huffed making my way up the stairs. My brother sighed from the bottom of the stairs, I could only just hear him when he said "Oh Sophie if only you knew. Life is so much harder when you know." I knew I was not meant to hear this so I carried on up the stairs.

Dumping my bag by my bedroom door, I jumped on to my cushion filled bed grabbing my laptop before making myself at home. As I waited for my laptop to load I look around the room I had called my own for my whole life. I had the attic room, for the plain reason, I liked my own space out the way. I really was a lone wolf. This place had been my sanctuary to relax and have peace over the last few years, it was the one place I could be myself.

Grabbing the book out of my bag, I decided it was time to do some research on it. It looked like it was some kind of journal. I had no idea where to start researching the book was my only clue.

The lock on the book was no normal lock, it was an old fashion with a symbol of a wolf with fangs cut into it. The key hole was one that would only take one type of key, it was small like the key would of hung around someone's neck on a chain. The detail of the design drew me in, I stroked my fingers over it. It was smooth but at the same time it was ruff, it was cold but at the same time warm, like the book and lock we're actually living.

I sat there studying the lock, knowing I knew it from somewhere, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. The intricate design working its way through my memory looking for something to link it to. Then it clicked, like clockworks fitting into position. The chain, it was on a chain that I had hanging with my other necklaces.

Scrambling of my bed to find it, I dug through the box that held the necklaces I owned. It caught my eye then, a tiny key on a tiny, thin chain.

You found it, Lucia said in my head, You sure that this is the one for it?

"Yeah I'm sure," I said, "I can feel it in my bones, can't you?"

No, nothing. I can't feel anything good about this, or anything bad. Its like a black whole

I sighed feeling what she was feeling. Then how could I feel something that she could not feel, were we not one.

Holding the leather book in one hand, and the key in the other. Inserting the key, I twisted it and it clicked.

Opening the book on my lap, it started to glow. A red light lighted up my room. It felt like time had frozen.

"Lucia Lucia you there?" I called in my mind.

Yes, I'm here.

"Do you know what that light is?" I questioned

No! And I think we should close the book, now I am getting a bad feeling.

I quickly closed the book, releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding till then.

"I think we should leave this know," I said to Lucia in my head.

I agree this does not feel right.

"Do you think we should take it to the vampire,"

Maybe, I don't know. Can you really trust them?

"I know I can definitely can trust Olly, and you know that too,"

Agreed! We could always tell him


"Sophie dinners ready," My mum called from down stairs.

"We will talk about this later," I said to Lucia in my head. And headed down to the dinning room, reading myself to face my parents and brother.

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