Chapter 16

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A pull. It was stronger than any wave current in a hurricane wind. She literally felt the hair on the back her of her neck stand up. Her core pulsated uncontrollably; her nipples hardened and strained against the fabric of her dress. Haltingly, she pulled back from Diego's neck and hesitantly looked up. They had an audience. Standing on the second floor at the landing that overlooked the living-room was Roman. His eyes were heated and unflinching as he watched her swaying in Diego's arms. He was biting his bottom lip hard and gripping the railing so tight she could see the veins flexing in his hands.

Her breath caught in her throat as she saw him standing there. Her heart drummed at a relentless pace. Her tongue wet her dry lips. She saw his eyes narrow as they focused on her tongue. Kristen swallowed a cry forming in her throat. Fuck! There was nothing she could do to stop her feelings for this man. No one who could distract her body from the lust that was prickling her skin like fingers. She wanted him. She wanted him so bad she could taste it. If only it could be that simple.

She watched him and he watched her as she continued to dance with Diego, holding eye contact that was so intense if it were liquid fire it would burn the whole house down with everyone in it in a matter of seconds. After a while she couldn't take it anymore and asked Diego if they could go outside. He took her hand and led her out. Kristen looked over her shoulder and up to find Roman still standing upstairs, watching them. Their eyes held as the door closed behind her and Diego.

The night air was cool and damp. It felt and looked like it might rain. She and Diego walked to the bottom of the porch and lingered on the stone-paved walkway.

"So," he casually began, sticking his hands deep in his pockets. He shook off a chill and continued. "How was your date with Roman?"

Kristen weighed her response over in her mind before answering him. "It was nice. We had a good time."

"What'd you do?"

"We went out to eat. Then we uh... He took me to his apartment. To show me where he stayed."

Diego's eyebrow rose at that but he didn't say anything in response, which surprised her.

She wanted to keep to herself what she and Roman had talked about; not only to protect Roman's privacy but to protect the bond she felt had formed between them. A bond that was rudely interrupted when Roman all but threw her out of his apartment. The attraction for Diego was still there but it wasn't the same, especially after sharing that long held eye contact with Roman while they were dancing. She was relieved her attraction to Diego had abated. Lord knows she couldn't see her way through the crazy mess Joy was dealing with.

Diego changed the subject and started talking about miscellaneous things but Kristen barely paid attention to him. She kept looking back towards the house, wondering where Roman was; secretly hoping he would come outside and find her.

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