Chapter 17

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Morning came too quickly for Kristen. She groggily opened her eyes and flinched at the daylight creeping through the half-open blinds in her hotel room. She heavily sighed, rolled onto her stomach, and turned her head in the opposite direction, too lazy to get up and close the blinds completely. Her body felt heavy and fatigued. What time was it?

She glanced over at the clock on the night-stand and groaned.

It was only 8am? She'd only had four hours of sleep? Fuck.

Kristen groaned again and covered her eyes with her hand, wishing the coffee maker in her suite could turn itself on and fix her a hot cup of steaming coffee. God knows she needed it. She'd had a hard time going to sleep the night before and when she was finally able to nod off, it was fitful. She tossed and turned so much she was surprised she didn't have whiplash. Her mind was flooded with images of Roman and their day together. The stilted conversation. The mood swings. Most of all, the sadness. She couldn't forget the sadness in his eyes when he'd left. She wished she had his number so she could call and check on him. But she hadn't wanted to disrespect Diego by asking him for it.

Speaking of which...

Kristen pinched her nose as she felt a tension headache coming on. Last night's date with Diego had been strained, to say the least. They spent nearly six hours together and the first half of it was anything but fun. There was so much uncomfortable tension between them. She wasn't sure how much of the intimate encounter Diego had seen between her and Roman but whatever he had seen seemed to have bothered him. After Roman left, he'd waited a minute before gathering her and walking with her to his car. The car ride to the restaurant had been silent; their shared meal was even worse. They didn't start talking again until they left the restaurant. Diego asked her where she wanted to go and she told him it didn't matter. He asked if she was ready to go home and she lied and told him no. He suggested they go to the movies and she readily agreed.

Thankfully by the time they arrived, everything was right between them again. They were able to loosen up and have a good time. After the movie, they went down to the Charles River and walked around talking and getting to know one another better. He didn't bring up what had happened between her and Roman so she didn't either. She didn't know what she could say to him if he had. She was still confused about some things herself and was obsessively mulling them over in her mind. She was still attracted to Diego, she had a great time with him, and she liked him very much, but... It wasn't like it was with Roman. That bothered her. Aside from the cold shoulder he'd briefly given her, Diego was more than clear about how he felt about her and he made no bones about it. He complimented her endlessly. Told her how much he liked her. Held her hand. He couldn't stop looking at her. And he'd tried to kiss her. Against her better judgment, she had let him.

Kristen regretfully moaned and pulled the covers over her face, as if the covers could lock out the memory of the kiss she'd shared with Diego. And there hadn't been just one kiss either. There had been about six. All tongue. She'd even let him kiss her when he dropped her off at her room. They stood outside the door of the suite and kissed for almost five full minutes. Least, that's how long it felt to her.

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