Chapter 31

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Kristen barely had time to put her key in the slot when the door of the hotel suite she shared with Joy swung open with Joy on the other side.

Joy looked at her with teary eyes and a big goofy grin. "Get your butt in here slut!" she yelled, pulling Kristen inside and slamming the door shut.

Kristen laughed nervously and combed her fingers through her hair. "What are you talking about?"

"Let me look at you."

Joy took Kristen's arms and spread them wide, looking her up and down. Kristen blushed and looked down at the floor, avoiding her scrutinizing gaze.

"Oh my God. You fucked him, didn't you? You lost your virginity. You fucked Roman!"

Kristen eased her arms out of Joy's grasp and walked to the kitchen to turn on the coffee maker. Suddenly, she needed even more caffeine. "What are you talking about Joy?"

Joy was in hot pursuit, following closely behind her. "Look at you! You're glowing so hard.... I can tell. I haven't heard from you all night. You've been M.I.A. since yesterday afternoon... No one could get you on the phone, not even your parents and that's saying something."

Kristen started the coffee maker and placed her wrapped plate on the counter. "My phone died."

"Yeah, along with your virginity." Joy looked at her closely and squinted her eyes, assessing her. "Come on, tell me. It was Roman, wasn't it? I know it wasn't Diego because I called him."

Kristen widely looked at Joy. "What did he say?"

"He said he hadn't heard from you since last night. Something about Roman coming to the room and acting like a jealous ass. He said he left shortly after and he hadn't talked to you since."

Joy picked up Kristen's plate and lifted the top. Kristen immediately took it back and went to put it in the refrigerator.

"What's that?" Joy eagerly asked.  "Is that food? Did you bring me something to eat?"

"No. It's mine. Roman cooked it."

Joy's eyes grew as big as saucers. "He cooked breakfast for you? Holy shit."

"Will you stop saying that?"

Joy pulled Kristen back to the living area and practically pushed her down on the couch; then sat across from her in one of the single chairs.

"Wait a minute Joy. My coffee."

"Oh fuck that damn coffee. Don't be coy with me Kristen, tell me the truth. And I want all the dirty details. Did you sleep with Roman?"

Kristen tucked her hair behind her ear and gnawed her lip, glancing up at Joy with a cat that ate the canary grin. "I did."

Joy started screaming and grabbed Kristen's hands, wiggling in her seat and jumping up and down.  "I knew it, I knew it; I knew it! Oh my God, you actually did it! You fucked Roman Dean! Holy shit!"

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