It's Been Too Long

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Hey everyone! First of all, I want to thank each and everyone of you who continue to read my stories, even though they are not completed and I left so many of you hanging. I apologize profusely for that. As I was saying before, I do work for USPS and the job keeps me very busy with 10 to 12 hour days. On top of that, having two small children as many of you probably know, is a full-time job as well. Then the pandemic happened and everything got crazy. And my mom tested positive for the virus. She's so much better now and thank God never had to be hospitalized. I'm grateful every day for her continuing health and healing. And I pray for those who are not so lucky.

As for Eternal Flame, I saw the last time I published an original chapter was on September 11th, 2018. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that. But I also see that new readers are coming to the story almost every day and that inspires me and gives me hope.

I still can't say when I'll get back to these stories, as there is still so much going on and the world is so crazy right now. However, I know that reading was, is, and will always be great escapism for all of us. I look forward to my schedule opening up very soon and I hope at that time to be able to bring closure to Eternal Flame, as well as my other full length book, Tristan and the Mine all Mine series. Again, I thank you for continuing to be supportive and I can't wait to bring these stories back to you soon.

God bless and be safe!

Eternal Flame (Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now