Chapter 34

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Alex was reflective for a moment. "Try not to think about it too much," he carefully suggested. "Take it for what it is. An experience with a beautiful woman. Something to take your mind off things; to help you refocus."

"What if I want more than that?"

"Seriously?" Roman nodded. Alex pondered again for a moment. He heavily sighed. "Well, I think you should just really think about what it is you really want and why you want it. If you can live with it if it's not what you expected. If it doesn't solve all your problems or make you forget everything. 'Cause as great as we all know Kristen is, she human and she has flaws you haven't seen yet. You went through a lot man and getting into a relationship with her too fast, isn't going to make all of that shit from the past two years go away. You still have things you need to come to terms with. I think as long as you know that, you'll be fine. And if you get a great girl out of it in the end, then maybe it was all worth it."

Roman gratefully smiled at Alex. "Whoever said you were too reckless and silly to have a level head and an open heart? Thanks bro."

"Yeah but don't tell anyone that," Alex said good-naturedly with an aw-shucks grin. "I'll deny it. I have a rep to protect."

Roman held his hands up to him and agreeably nodded. "You got it."

Alex warmly looked at Roman. "I am happy for you though Ro. Seriously. I know things are a little funky with you and D right now, but-"

"Yeah, that's an understatement," Roman dryly replied.

"You'll get it worked out. I'm sure you will. I know she's an amazing woman but you can't let this damage your friendship. You guys have gone through too much. He is attracted to her though and it's not all his fault. You can't be a hothead about it. Have some sympathy. It could be you."

Roman slowly nodded, gritting his teeth. "Mmm-hmm."

"You guys have a record coming out and a tour coming up. You need to squash this bullshit before then."

"I hear you. I'll talk to him."

"I can referee if you need me to."

"No man, it's cool. You've done enough. Besides, I'm sure he's already filled Damien in on everything so I'm sure D will be calling me to talk about it soon. You know Damien is the fixer."

"Damien is sprung out over Joy. He's not thinking with a clear head right now either, trust me."

Roman chuckled and shook his head in amazement. "Two fans from the south managed to turn two Level members' worlds upside down in a matter of 48 hours. And it all came about because of a stupid contest. Shit is crazy as fuck!"

"And both you mother-fuckers got laid in those 48 hours and I'm sitting here with blue balls because the chick I met at your party the other night claims she's a born-again virgin and a Christian and she doesn't feel right going out with me again because I'm too much of a temptation." Alex shook his head. "You may be going through some weird shit right now bro but at least you're not dealing with that shit."

Roman knowingly looked at him. "So when are you seeing her again?"

Alex looked at his watch and grinned sheepishly. "She'll be here in precisely one hour so I'm going to need you and your pussy-whipped ass to man up and get the fuck out so I can get ready." He stood up and expectantly looked at Roman, who was still sitting.

"Oh, you're serious?"

Alex nodded once. "I am."

Roman stood up and rubbed the back of his neck. "I thought you said she was a born-again virgin. I know you don't think she's going to give you some ass."

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