Chapter 38

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"Dad! Dad, calm down

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"Dad! Dad, calm down."

"Calm down? How can you expect me to calm down? You don't even know that boy."

"He's a grown man Daddy."

"Yes, I'm painfully aware of that fact but he's younger than me so he's a boy to me. And he's being disrespectful."

Kristen looked at the phone like it had grown ears and glanced over at Roman who was standing at his stove frying hamburgers for their lunch. He playfully frowned at her and she shyly smiled at him, turning her back and leaning against the island.

"Dad, if you would just let me explain-"

"Kristen, I've barely heard from you during the three days you were there-"

"I've called you and Mom every day since I've been here-"

Her Father kept talking over her like he hadn't heard her. "And now you're calling me on the day you're supposed to be coming back home to tell me you're staying in Boston a few more days with a virtual stranger? A man you hardly know? Some has-been pop-star?"

Kristen cringed at her Father's harsh words. She hadn't expected him to be overjoyed when she called home to tell him her plans but she couldn't stand it when her Father yelled at her and he had been doing that since she called.

"He's not a has-been Dad."

Kristen glanced over her back at Roman to see him staring at her with a raised eyebrow, obviously in reference to the has-been comment. She sheepishly smiled and he wanly smiled back, shaking his head and returning his attention to the hamburgers. Her stomach loudly gurgled. Damn they smelled good.

"Kristen," her Father critically continued," I am not going to go back and forth with you about who this guy is and what he is, my concern is you. You don't know this boy. You are only 18 years old, what the hell are you thinking about staying in a city you know nothing about just because of some silly teenage crush."

Kristen bristled and tightly rubbed her lips together, suppressing the sting of his words. She put her hand to her head and shook her head, sighing wearily. Her Father had no idea. It was so much deeper than that. She wished she could talk to him about it but she knew better.


"Have you talked to your Mother about this?"

Kristen traced circles on the island with her finger and chewed her lip. "No," she softly said. "Not yet."

"Well, I'm damn sure she's not going to be pleased to hear this shit either. Where is Joy? Is she there with you? Where are you?"

Kristen nervously fiddled with the buttons on her shirt and looked down at the floor, ashamed to answer. "At a friend's."

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