Chapter 33

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While he waited, he checked his watch. It was after 2pm. Roman prayed Alex wasn't in the bed. Sunday was Alex's favorite day to sleep in, mainly because he'd usually have some hot chick he met at a bar the night before in bed with him. He hoped he didn't have company. He needed his undivided attention.

Roman impatiently rang the bell again then sighed with relief when he heard Alex bounding down the steps to the door. His present smile grew even deeper when it opened.

Alex immediately grinned when he saw Roman standing there and slapped his hand in hello. "What's up Ro?"

The two friends embraced and Alex stood back to let him in. "What are you doing here?"

"Are you alone?"

Alex closed the door and turned to him. "Yeah, I'm alone. What's up?"

Roman walked into Alex's living-room. "I need to talk. I need you to let me talk. Without saying anything. I need to get this off my chest. I can't go to my family about it because they'd make too much about it or try to turn it into something it's not. I can't go to the guys about this for obvious reasons."

Alex walked into the room and held his hands up. "Wait a minute Ro. Is this about Kristen?"

"Yeah," Roman uneasily admitted.

Alex put his hands in his back pockets and looked at him for a moment. He nodded and sat down on his littered couch, moving a pile of vintage Playboy magazines, newspapers, and cereal bowls out the way. He threw his feet up on his equally littered coffee table and put his hands behind his head. "Okay. Shoot."

Tristan paced back and forth in front of the table and absently rubbed his lip. "You need to keep this between us," he worriedly said. "I'm serious man. No one hears about this conversation. Especially Nick and Diego."

"You got it."

"Wait a minute. Are you still feeling her?"

"I was never really feeling her in the first place Ro." Roman skeptically looked at him and Alex shook his head. "I'm serious, it wasn't that deep. I just thought she was gorgeous."

A faraway look dimmed Roman's eyes as he stopped spacing and stared into space. "That she is."

"Besides, I couldn't make a move on her if I wanted to with Diego crowding her damn space every few seconds." He stopped and cringed as he realized what he'd just said. "Sorry."

Roman grimaced and dismissively shrugged. "It is what it is."

"Have you talked to him?"

"No. What have you heard?"

"You know my brother can't hold water for shit. He filled me in a little about a conversation he had with Diego about it. Diego called him yesterday and vented about some things that had gone down between you and him."

Roman shook his head and swore under his breath, beginning to pace again. "Whatever, I can't go into that right now. I just need to talk. I just need a friend right now, that's all. One that can listen without judgment or criticism."

"I'm surprised you didn't go to Damien about whatever is bothering you."

"Like I said. Without criticism."

"Well, you know there isn't a critical bone in my body bro. So, what's up? You alright?"

Roman closed his eyes and tilted his head back, grinning big like a kid on Christmas. "I'm more than alright. I'm-I'm fucking fantastic!"

Alex looked weirded out by Roman's unusual buoyance but he let him continue.

Catching himself, Roman seriously looked at Alex. "If you ever tell anyone about this I swear to God I'll deny it."

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