Stitches and Bitches

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Looking up, I groaned in disgust. It was Chloe, again.

"Chloe, screw off. No one likes you. You're a snob. Just because your parents are rich, doesn't give you any right to be a brat. Now again, if you'll excuse me, I have places to be. I can tell you this much, it is not here, arguing with you and your attitude."

"No one likes me? Everyone wants to be me. Just because you're the star athlete of the school doesn't make you any better. I'm the head cheerleader. I rule the whole place. I have all the boys at my feet, begging to even get the time of day. Everyone just feels sorry for you," her high pitched whine trailed on.

Michael came up from behind me and helped bring me to my feet again. Once I was steady on the ground, I brushed off my knees and walked up to Chloe. She stopped in her tracks and walked closer to me with her arms out, attempting to knock me over again. I jumped out of her reach and ducked so if she tried to make a swing at me, she'd miss. She turned around to see me standing behind her ready to throw a punch. Her blue eyes went wide as I slammed my fist into her shoulder. I stood back and watched her wobble, but regain her balance. She charged at me ready to knock me over, as she inched closer I made another swing, completely knocking her to the ground.

"You held me down, but I got up, already shaking off the dust." I sang, mocking her.

She was lying on the ground, holding her shoulder, wincing in pain, "How dare you!" she yelled.

"How dare I? Ha. You're funny Chloe. All you have done for the last 10 years of my life is mock me, bring me down, and make me miserable. Now it's my turn to do the same to you. I hope you have fun being a sore loser, because your arm is going to hurt for a while. Get used to it, b*tch." I spat in her face, laughing.

I watched her face turn red with anger as she attempted spring up and throw a punch at me. She nailed me in the jaw, throwing me back into Michael, who caught me with open arms. I felt a warm liquid running down my chin as I tried to lunge at Chloe again, but was held back.

"Alright, Riley. That's enough. Let's go. Leave her to be miserable."

Michael dragged me away from where Chloe was sitting on the ground, crying. I felt tears stream down my face and drip into the open wound I had on my lip. When we got to a bench a few hundred yards away from where Chloe was sitting, Michael sat me down and sent my sister to get a damp paper towel to clean up what destruction had been administered. At this point in time people were staring at me, and crowding around Chloe. I huffed in disapproval. She doesn't deserve the attention.

"What is up with that? Seriously, you're so sweet and mild tempered and then this girl comes along and boom, you're instant anger. Who is she? What has she done to you that has you so full of hatred towards her?" Michael asked, with a deep look of concern on his face.

"She's the snotty little princess of the school. Her parents are rich, she's spoiled, and I just hate her. She thinks everyone owes her the world, and that she's all that and a bag of chips. I'm sorry Mikey; I just can't deal with her pettiness anymore. I'm fed up. I've held the anger in for 10 years. Ten freaking years, and I'm just done. She can go rot for all I care. She may be pretty, she may be rich, but she is not a princess, nor will she ever be one." I said, crying into his chest. I was probably getting blood on his jacket, but I knew he didn't care.

My sister came back with a handful of paper towels and handed them to Michael. He folded a towel up and dabbed it against my lip, to absorb the blood. He frowned while looking at my face.

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