Last Hoorah

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I put my guitar on the bed and stood up. Michael bolted over to me and picked me up, spinning in the process.

"So I sang one of your songs? What's the big deal?"

"Riley... my dear little purple haired friend," Michael said, patting the top of my head as I growled at him, "You are a little star. You're amazing. There are a lot of opportunities for you over in Sydney. Oh, and don't growl at me, your hair is soft and I wanted to pet it."

I rolled my eyes and wrapped him in a bear hug. Coming from the doorway behind me I heard Ashton and Mackenzie making gagging noises. I looked at the clock that was hung on the wall; it was nearly 6 o'clock in the evening. We made a decision to have a formal dinner as a last hoorah at the Italian restaurant next to the Season's Buffet. I dug in my bag from Hot Topic and pulled out a black dress. It was solid black for the bottom layer, but over it was a lacy material. I found my dark purple tights and my black combat boots and my curling wand ran to the bathroom to get ready. I stripped myself from my leggings and struggled to put on my tights. Once I got them pulled up and adjusted properly, I unzipped the back of the dress, tugging the tag off of the sleeve. I carefully slipped the dress over my head, allowing my arms to guide themselves through the lacy sleeves. I pulled it down and straightened it before calling Mackenzie in to zip it up for me. I made her shoo the boys away so they didn't see my outfit. She zipped my dress up and came in, shutting the door behind her. She had a simple grey long sleeved dress, with a pair of black tights and similar combat boots. She stood over in a corner and fidgeted with getting her dress on. I walked over to the counter, plugging in my curling wand allowing it to warm up. Running my brush through my long purple hair, I swear I had to undo at least 10 knots, and I was getting frustrated. I called my sister over.

"Kenzie, can you find a pair of scissors in my bag please? I need to do something about these knots. They're unbearable."

While she dug through my cosmetic bag that was lying on the counter, I pulled a sheet out of the closet and wrapped it around my body. I heard the clink of metal hit the counter, telling me she found what I asked her to look for. I turn my head to look at the counter, and I see the pair of scissors I bought from Sally's lying on the counter. I ran my brush through the water and pulled it through my hair finally undoing all the knots. My hair went all the way down my back to about 3 inches above my waist, and all the knots happened within 3 inches of that, from always being pulled up in a bun. I used a hairclip to hold the sheet together. Bending over, I had my sister brush all of my hair towards the front of my face so I could take care of the mess of split ends and tangles. When my hair was brushed all the way over, I ran my hands through it, gathering all of it into a smooth unicorn like ponytail. After eyeballing where I wanted to cut, I slid the hair tie down to the length I was satisfied with. The layers it creates will help tremendously in the knots. Looking at the small little tail I was about to rid myself of, it was about 2 and a half inches, so the shortest layer should be just above my collarbone. My sister handed me the scissors as she held the tail in place. I lined the blades up to the hair tie and slowly began to cut into it. I cringed at the sound of my hair being sawed away. Eventually, I felt it get lighter and lighter and then it was lying on the ground. I flipped my head up and parted my hair on the right allowing my hair to fall into place. Grabbing the brush off the counter again, I slowly ran the bristles through my purple locks, attempting to tame them and set them into place. The longest layer was about 2 inches below my shoulder blades and the shortest was at my collarbone how I wanted it. I pulled the underneath layer forward and straightened out the ends. Overall I was fairly satisfied with the way it came out. My curling wand had finally heated up by then, so I took small one inch sections and wrapped them around the barrel, allowing them to form wavy ringlets. After my curls were done, I did the same with my sister's hair, putting the upper layer of her hair in a ponytail, clipping a bow into it. I dug through my bag for my minty green colored bow. Once I found that, I pulled part of my hair and tied it with an elastic band, slipping the clip of the bow underneath. I kept it simple with the makeup, light foundation, black eyeliner with a pop of turquoise near the inner corners. I carefully applied a light pink lip stain to finish it off. Mackenzie just had a glittery lip balm and some pink eye shadow. We cleaned up our mess in the bathroom and decided to make our way out to see if the boys were dressed yet. Mackenzie made sure to put out decent clothes for them since this restaurant was more upper scale. I shouted past the door to the boys.

"We're coming out now! You better be dressed or you're going to be in trouble!"

I heard them running around in the other room. Michael started wailing and screaming, "ASHTON! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TIE A TIE!"

I could hear Ashton mumbling to himself, and it sounded like he was saying 'good god Michael, get your act together'. I opened the door and stepped out with my sister standing next to me. Michael's jaw dropped and Ashton looked at me funny. The boys were wearing black skinny jeans and button down shirts. Michael had a droopy untied tie hung around his neck, while Ashton just had a blazer over his shirt and a fedora. I giggled as his blonde curls poked out from every direction. I walked over to Michael and fixed his tie for him. His eyed widened as if they were about to pop out of his head.

"What are you staring at smurfy?" I asked, giggling at the fact his cheeks were bright red.

"You look gorgeous. I called down to the restaurant and made reservations. Shall we go?"

I linked my arm with his, while Mackenzie and Ash linked arms as well. We skipped down the hallway to the elevators. The first elevator that came by was almost full, so Mackenzie and I took the elevator downstairs while the boys took the stairs.

"Mackenzie, do you realize how lucky we are?"

She nodded happily, "Yes. I'm very grateful for those boys. They saved your life, and rescued mine. I can't wait to meet Luke and Calum though. Maybe they have a hot friend that's my age."

I turned around and glared at my sister, "No way. Focus on your school work."

Theelevator stopped on the ground floor of the hotel and we all filed out of theelevator going in separate directions. The boys were waiting in front of theChristmas tree for us. We met each other half way and made our way down to therestaurant. Everyone inside was all dressed up. There were little boys wearingtiny tuxedos and girls wearing little princess dresses sitting at the tablenext to us. After dinner we decided to make our way back upstairs and startpacking as we fly out to Sydney tomorrow morning.

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