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Ginny's POV

"Ginny, help!" Hermione calls from across the room. I rush over to find her already in her beautiful wedding dress. "Can you zip me up?"

"You excited?" I ask her, zipping up her princess ball gown like dress.

"About the wedding? I'm more nervous than excited honestly." She admits. I smile at her through the mirror.

"Not about marrying my brother, I meant about us becoming sisters!" Her face finally breaks out into the first real smile of the day.

"Is this what you see this day as?" She questions, giggling.

"Absolutely! That's also the only reason I'm wearing this dress!" I point out, twirling in my gold dress that matches the thread of her dress.

"That and your kinda the maid of honor." Hermione replies giggling.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that!" I stick my tongue at her through the mirror before pulling out the makeup from my bag. "Still, I probably would've just worn PJ's."

"Wow, I feel so important!"

"Save the sarcasm for later!" I reply, dusting her cheeks in blush. "And, about you being nervous, don't be! Nobody will blame you if you mess up, except on the vows. Don't mess up in those! But anyway, its you and Ron, I kinda expect one of you to mess up!"

"Thanks Gin!" She glares at me after I apply the lip stick.

"Your welcome!" I reply, skipping out to gather up the bridesmaids.


I step delicately across the rose petal walk way leading to the altar. Harry and I stop and go off the our spots. I wink at him before facing the front again.

Luna comes next. Luna being escorted by Neville. They go off to their spots while Teddy comes running up with the rings. I chuckle softly since his hair keeps changing color every other second. Victoire starts throwing her little white petals, her strawberry blonde hair flying everywhere. The little three-year-old gives her Favorite Aunt a hug, and standing beside me. She's just so precious.

Then, I see Ron stiffen as Hermione comes down the aisle. Her eyes fill with love as she focus on her future husband. I glance up at Ron and see he's in astonishment. I try to keep my squeal to myself as they grab each other's hand.


Hermione's POV

"And know for the vows!" The tiny wizard announces. My hands start to shake slightly. Ron must feel them because he squeezes them in reassurance. I squeeze back before looking him straight in the eye.

"Ronald Weasley, from the day I met you, its never been a boring day. From rescuing me from a troll to our first kiss, you have protected me. Even in every situation where I was stubborn, I couldn't stay mad at you for long. I'm so glad I get the pleasure of being you wife."


Ron's POV

My eyes start to mist over as Hermione talks. I don't even register that's it's my turn.

"Ron, it's your turn!" Harry whispers to me.

"Oh, right! Hermione Jean Granger, you amaze me every day I've known you. From LeviOsa, to curing me when I got splinched. I love you with all my heart even though according to you.." I pull out a teaspoon from my pocket. "'s this much."

Her eyes lights up in amusement as she takes the teaspoon from me. Tears start to escape her beautiful brown eyes.


Ginny's POV

I'm shedding more tears than the bride and groom themselves. I shipped them ever since I met Hermione. To see them finally together just fills me with happiness.

I steal a glance at Harry to see he's just the same as me. I know he was in the middle of the two of them during sixth year and all that drama, and to see them together must make him happy.

A big honking noise comes from the back. I peek over at the half giant to see Hagrid crying into a table cloth. By the looks of it, the entire crowd is crying, even George!

"Now do you, Ronald Billius Weasley, take Hermione Jean Granger to love and cherish for ever until death do you part?" I turn back to the happy couple, not wanting to miss this.

"I do!"

"Now do you, Hermione Jean Granger take Ronald Billius Weasley to love and cherish for ever until death do you part?"

" I do!"

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

"YAAAAAYYYY!" I scream before they even have a chance to kiss. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy.

"YAAAAAYYYY!" Harry screams along with me.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!" Everyone eventually squeals. The Newly Weds just chuckle before kissing. I scream even louder, throwing my hands up, sending my bouquet of lilies across the room. This has been the best wedding ever!

Hey everyone, I know this isn't very good but I wanted to write this scene!!! I'm a huge Romione shipper and I just loved writing this scene.

Ginny's reaction during the wedding will probably be me at my friend's wedding! 😂😂

Okay, this short if officially over, sorry you had to suffer through that! BYEEEEEEEE!

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