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Draco Malfoy can be described as many things, forgiving isn't really one. It might've not been Professor Moody that turned him into a ferret that dreadful day in his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but whenever talks about that man he still flinches to this day.

One casual winter day, just before Christmas his son Scorpius was talking about his fifth year at Hogwarts while Draco himself hung up Christmas decorations.

"And then, Hagrid brought out these wonderful creatures called Hippogriffs! They were so beautiful but for some reason Hagrid was a little timid about me approaching them." Scorpius explained as he started icing the gingerbread people.

"I'm afraid that's my fault son, Hagrid never really forgave me for overreacting about one of the Hippogriffs he showed my class scratching me when I didn't approach it properly. It.....Ummm.....Let's talk about something else!" Draco changed the subject quickly before Scorpius asked anymore questions about his shaming past.

"Okaaaay. Well, you remember that letter Professor McGonagall sent home to you?" Scorpius eagerly asks, a hopeful glint in his pale blue eyes.

"You mean the one saying instead of transfiguring your feather into a stick you transfigured it into a rose and gave it to Rose Weasley?" Scorpius blushed madly as his father described the letter.

"Yes, that one! Do you remember the permission slip at the end though?" That hopeful glint in his eye getting more hopeful.

"I do remember, it was about you being very advanced in transfiguration and wanting to teach you some extra credit stuff. I signed it and sent it back to Professor McGonagall. Why?" Draco looked at his son but Scorpius just smiled.

"No reason!"

Still not fully convinced it was nothing, Draco continued to hang decorations.


Draco stood by the Weasley and Potter families on Platform 9 3/4 waiting for Scorpius to get off the Hogwarts Express for Summer Break.

"Hey Malfoy, I heard Scorpius got into the little extra credit transfiguration thing with Rose." Ron casually says, a smile plastered on his face.

"Yeah....I'm.very proud of both of them." Draco said wearily, wondering why Ron of all people started a conversation with him.

"Rose has been owling me some of the things they're doing, it's quite interesting." Ron explains, the smile never leaving his face. Harry then bursts into laughter before Hermione and Ginny scold them. Draco slowly takes a step to his right, away from the family.

Finally, the kids start filing off the large red train and begin to find their parents. Scorpius, Rose,  Albus, James, Lily and Hugo begin walking towards their families. Scorpius and Rose's faces are both redder than tomato's while Albus is laughing so hard tears are springing in his eyes. 

"Hey...Guys!" Albus manages to say between giggles. "Anything....New?" As he says "new" he looks up at Scorpius. Scorpius punches him in the arm before making his way over to his father.

"Hey Dad, ready to go!" Scorpius asks eagerly, shooting a glare at Albus before turning back to Draco.

"Umm, sure! Let's go home!"


Draco began cleaning the dishes with his wand after supper when something small and white caught the corner of his eye. He looked down to see a small, white ferret with pale blue eyes. Screaming, he jumps up onto the countertop and franticly tries to pull his wand out of his pocket. After realizing it's not in his pocket but instead in the ferrets mouth after he dropped it in panic, he panics some more.

"Please don't hurt me!" He pleas, shutting his eyes in terror. The sound of his son's laughter fills his ears, making him open his eyes. Before him stands his son, twirling Draco's wand in his hand. "But...But...I saw a ferret!"

"You mean this one?" Scorpius asks, shrinking down into the small ferret Draco saw moments ago. After changing back into a human Draco just stares at his son in shock. "The extra credit was Professor McGonagall teaching Rose and I how to become animagius. She became a peacock and I became a ferret. Rose starting laughing hysterically when she saw me as a ferret and began to write her Dad for some reason. McGonagall was also smiling as she watched me transform."

Draco realized why Ron and Harry were laughing at him at the train station before slowly getting down from the countertop and calmly getting a piece of parchment. After writing his Howler he put on the envelope

Harry James Potter
Ron Billius Weasley

before sending it off with the family owl.

I hope you enjoyed this short story. I might do another one showing Ron and Harry's reaction to the Howler. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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