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Just because a group of people grew up together, doesn't mean they didn't like each..... Especially the Weasley's and the Malfoy's.

A new generation after the war brought happiness and a time for new beginnings....For most people. Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy never got along in their adult years, making Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy never get along, mostly.

In Third Year, Scorpius began to develop a crush on Rose. He loved the way her blue eyes twinkled and how her hair looked like fire in the morning sunlight. He also enjoyed watching how mad she got when he got in the top of their year and she got second.

Nothing between them changed for the next three years beside Scorpius's crush turning into love.

In Sixth Year, Scorpius and Rose actually became pretty good friends. Rose also began to notice Scorpius as not the kid she had to beat in academics or her cousins best friend, but as someone who was kind, nerdish, and sweet. The only problem with her crush was she didn't want him or anyone to know. When it came time to brew Amortenia in Potions, she refused to smell it already knowing what the scent was..... Paper (from her love of reading and knowing Scorpius liked to read too), chocolate chip cookies, (her and Scorpius's favorite dessert), and Roses, (her name and Scorpius gave her a rose on Valentine's Day...Along with every other girl but her's felt special).

Then, on the last day of Sixth Year (Rose's birthday) Rose was reading her favorite book on the branch of her favorite tree by the lake when Scorpius came running towards her with a plate of chocolate cookies and a bouquet of flowers.

"Happy Birthday!"

"Aww! Thanks Scorp!" Rose gently took the roses and cookies while Scorpius climbed up on the branch with her. They shared the cookies and just talked for a while. Finally, it was time for them to board the Hogwarts Express and head home, or in Rose's case go to Hogsmeade to meet the rest of her large family.

"Promise to write everyday?" Scorpius asked as they reached the train.

"Absolutely! I'll try to see if we can meet up at Diagon Alley to get our school supplies as well." Rose replied, trying to be casual.

"That would be great!" Scorpius then pulled Rose into a hug before he left. When they pull back, their faces were inches apart. Rose bravely leaned in before she realizes what she's doing and kissed him. Firework exploded inside both of them. They broke apart, foreheads touching and smiling like crazy.

"Or maybe sooner?" She suggested.

"Definitely!" He agreed, happiness dancing in his eyes.

"Rose!" Hermione called from several feet away, smiling almost as much as her daughter was.

"Sorry, I have to go!" Rose started to walk away before Scorpius grabbed her hand and pulled her in for another short kiss.

"You don't know how long I dreamed about this moment!" He whispered, before tucking one of the roses from his bouquet behind her ear and letting her go to her family.

Rose basically floated to her mother.

"I'm not even gonna lie, I saw everything and I have to get ten bucks from Astoria for the bet we made on you two when both of you were three. Also, word of advice don't tell your father!" Hermione whispered in her daughter's ear as they made their way to the rest of their family. Rose smiled, happy that her Mum fully supports her.

"Happy Birthday Rose!" Her father announced, pulling her in for a tight hug.

"Thanks Dad!"

"Wow, I can't​ believe........wait, where did you get this flowers?" Rose looked down to see she was still holding the bouquet she had gotten from Scorpius.

"We sent them to her for her birthday...Right James?" Alice Longbottom elbowed her boyfriend James Sirius Potter.

"Absolutely!" He played.along.

The gang proceeded to catch up, and as they all left James pulled his younger cousin aside.

"Just so you know, I knew you would end up with that Malfoy kid." Rose bushed while James laughed, rejoining his girlfriend.

The rest of that summer along with the following school year, Rose and Scorpius's romance grew and grew. Ron and Draco both accepted that their children were in love and there was no stopping it.

When they were both 25, Scorpius proposed to Rose on his birthday. While he held out the ring he said the only present he wanted was for her to say yes. She agreed and they celebrated with chocolate chip cookies.

I hope you enjoyed that!! I probably won't be updating for a while since the rest of April and May will be crazy busy for me. Please vote and comment!!! Thanks for reading!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!🎁🎈🎈💖🍰🎁🍰🎂🎈🎂🎁🎁👏☕😂😂🍳💥

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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