Chapter 21

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When I woke up, I was still wrapped up in Leo's arms, warm and surrounded by his familiar sent. Opening up my eyes I took in our new room, a room that was ours and ours only. This is all so new to me, being here alone, having to depend only on Leo. I'm so use to having my family, my parents behind my back. But this gives me and Leo the chance to see how our relationship is going to work out, if were going to be good together alone, or if this just isn't going to work.

I shake my way out of Leo's arms, doing my best not to wake him up. Slipping on some dark jeans and a white lace top, I head out to explore and find some food. I know I probably should wait till Leo wakes up, but that cute face is probably exhausted. I walk down many hallways and get lost numerous times trying to find my way to some stairs. Heading down stairs I'm hit with the most delicious scent, following my nose I'm brought to a wide open kitchen.

"Well good morning dear, I didn't think you or Leo would be up for at least a few more hours. Are you hungry?" Leo's mom met me with a huge smile, while flipping some pancakes and frying some bacon.

"Yes mam, I'm starving. I didn't want to wake Leo up, I know he must be tired." She nods in agreement while getting me out a plate and stacking it up with pancakes.

"If he's tired he wouldn't let anyone know, that boy is such a strong headed man, just like his father. Your a strong girl to deal with him, he's my son I know, but goodness if he doesn't get his way." She laughs a high pitched girly laugh and I can't help but to join. She's right about one thing though, Leo is the most stubbornest man I've ever met, but his strong headed ways is what kept me with him.

"Where's the rest of the pack? At our house, the smallest scent sent the boys running to the table." Whenever mom fixed food, both dad and my Caden would attack the kitchen, you would be lucky to get a small plate of left overs when they were finished.

"Oh Jasper usually likes to have some training early in the mornings, some running, practicing all that fun stuff. He wanted to give you two a day off and let you sleep in before he put you to work, but they should be coming in soon." She sits my plate of food down affront of me and before I can even finish a whole pancake I hear numerous footsteps and the front door slams open, pouring in tons of hungry boys, they start attacking the food, grabbing plates, forks, and all the food. By the time they cleared out and found a seat there was absolutely no food left, poor Leo.

"Good Morning Caroline, did you sleep well?" Jasper nods at me and offers a smile.

"Yes sir, very well thank you." We exchange a quick look before he goes into the dining room to find a seat.

"Hello, I don't think we were introduced last night, my names Kaitlyn, but everyone calls me Katy." She offers me a hand which I gladly take. I need a friend here, or I'm going to explode. She's small, Black hair cut to her shoulders, and a bright happy face, something I've been needing to see.

"Hi, I'm Caroline, nice to meet you." I gave her my nicest smile and received one in return.

"So how's your stay been? Did you like your room?" She was just so nice, It's been a while since I met someone who seemed to actually care.

"It's been great, everyone seems so nice. And my room is amazing, I absolutely love it." That room is honestly the coolest thing I've ever seen.

"Well if you'd like, tonight theres a bonfire, most of the young people in the pack some and hang out, swing by and I'll introduce you to the girls, be a great place to make tons of new friends." I nodded and felt pretty excited. If I want to make this work, I needed to make friends. I mean Leo's great company, but noting compared to girl time.

"That sounds great, I'll be sure to swing by." She smiles and tells me a time and place, then goes to meet up with some friends.

"And where might you be swinging by my little mate." Leo comes up behind me, wrapping his warm arms around my waist.

"Oh just a bonfire, I need to make some friends here." I could feel him frown against the back of my head, so I turn around to meet his gaze.

"Why, you have me little mate. Who else do you need?" The saddest part is he was actually being serious.

"I'm a girl, I need friends. If I spend all my time with you I'll go insane, no offense. So I'm going alone tonight, catch up with your parents, or some of your friends." I try to sound as nice as I can.

"Well ok. As long as none of your new friends are guys, will be ok." Oh the Jealous Leo.

"Don't fret darling, only guy I need is you." I kiss the tip of his nose, and settle into his arms. I'm actually pretty excited about tonight, I'm ready to get settled into this pack, for Leo.

I cannot begin to say how sorry I am for the wait guys! I have had so much trouble with my laptop, I haven't been able to write anything! I finally got it fixed and working, so I'll be able to post a lot more often now! Thank you for your patience though, I really appreciate it. I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and a wonderful New Years. This wasn't spell checked or anything, so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Please vote and comment. This weeks song is Oats In The Water by Ben Howard.

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