Chapter 15

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Jake's P.O.V

Please let her be alright. I arrived at the hospital and went to the receptionist and asked for Blaire Isaacs and Max Isaacs and this is the response I got:

"I'm sorry sir but you gonna have to wait. They're in ICU at the moment " the lady replied.

I grunted and went to the waiting room. After a few minutes her parents arrived and ran to the receptionist's desk

"Please where is my daughter and son" Mrs Isaacs asked while sobbing

"What are their names madam" the lady asked.

"Blaire Isaacs and Max Isaacs" Mr. Isaacs said while comforting his crying wife.

"I'm sorry but they're in ICU at the moment. I'm gonna have to ask you to wait in the waiting room until the doctor comes" the lady who's name I now learned is Sarah

"O-okay t-then" Mrs Isaacs replied and she and Mr Isaacs came to the waiting room

"Its okay honey. They'll be alright just stay strong please for them." Mr. Isaacs said while holding his wife

"I-I d-dont t-think I c-can Drake. They're my b-babies I can't l-lose them" she said while crying

"And you won't lose them. Just be strong sweetie" he said

I just stayed silent and prayed she and her brother will be alright.

5 minutes later

10 minutes later

1 hour later

3 hours later

Its been 3 hours and still no news about them. What is taking them so fucking long!

Finally the doctor came and asked "Mr. and Mrs. Isaacs?"

They stood up and I did as well. They looked at me confusingly but I just stood and waited for the doctor to continue.

"Max is fine. He has a few broken ribs, a broken arm and a broken leg, but other than that his fine. He's sleeping right now and will wake up shortly" the doctor said

They sighed in relief but then I spoke up " What about Blaire? You only said about Max. How's Blaire?" I asked scared and my voice croaked

"Blaire flew out of the window when the impact came because she didn't have a seatbelt on. Her head was hurt pretty bad but luckily no brain damage. She also has a few broken ribs and her neck got hurt a bit. She has a broken arm and wrist. We had to do an operation immediately because there was a big piece of glass in her left side. Right after the operation she slipped into a coma. We don't know when she will be able to wake up. All we can do is hope. I'm sorry" the doctor said

Right there I fell on my knees and screamed. Her parents looked at me and her mother comforted me while also joining me in crying.

"Its okay son. She will wake up just have faith" she replied while crying

"I'm gonna go see Max. Honey you gonna come with me?" Mr. Isaacs asked.

"I'll be right out just give me a second babe." She replied

He nodded and went to Max's room. She turned to me and hugged me tightly

"How do you know my daughter if I may ask" she asked

"Mrs. Isaacs she changed my life. My life meant nothing before but since our incident she has been on my mind 24/7. I screwed up and I - I wanted to make things right b-but then I came across the accident" I said and sobbed. She held me tight and said

" Why don't you go to her room so long. Me and her dad are going to Max." She said and I nodded my head

She got up and went to Max's room while I went to hers.

I opened up her room door and there she was. Lying under a lot of machines and there was a heart monitor. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. I went closer and took her hand in mine. Her hand is cold and it made me scared.  I started talking

"Blaire I'm soo sorry. I-I didn't know what I was thinking. I hated seeing you like that. So broken so fragile. When you gave me the cold shoulder I knew something was wrong and then I found out why you treating me like that. I'm so sorry Blaire. I-I drove to your house and found that your brother's car wasn't parked there. I drove again and came across the a-accident. When I saw it was your brother's car my world came crumbling down. When I saw you l-lying there helpless I panicked. Just please come back to me. I-I m-miss your voice...your l-laugh and your s-smile. I-I l-love y-you" I croaked as I sobbed.

Ooh he said he loves her_!

Go team Blake!

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